Can't Hide Forever

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You hear the sound of a knife being pulled from its stand as you stumble up the stairs. You look around the halls and rush into a room that you assume to be a guest room. Quickly, you force yourself under the bed as the footsteps stop at the top of the stairs, "you can't hide forever, darling," he chuckles, "there's only so many places you could be. Besides, you have to come out at some point and when you do, I'll be waiting."

You gulp as he walks into a different room, humming to himself. Quietly, you move out from under the bed and observe the room. A window.

Suddenly, you hear the room Freddie was in slam shut with a click, "one down, two to go." He walks to the other room as you begin to shake, quietly trying to open the window. You succeed and raise yourself up to it. Again, you hear a slam, something you weren't hoping for. He chuckles as his silhouette appears in the doorway, "found you."

You gulp again as you force yourself through the window with Freddie grabbing on. "Let go of me!" You scream as he tries to pull you back.

"It's not that easy, darling," he giggles and continues pulling.

You grab onto the frame of the window as he pulls harder, you let out a yelp of pain, "you're hurting me!"

He stops for a moment and raises his knife, grinning, "good." He attempts to stab your arm only to miss giving you a chance to escape. You pull yourself fully through the window and onto a tiny rooftop. You look down and take a deep breath as Freddie chuckles, "you didn't think this one through, did you, darling? Quite a high place to jump, isn't it?" He sighs, "if you come back now I won't give you punishment. What do you say, dear?"

He sticks his hand out as you stare back at him, "goodbye, Freddie," is the last thing you say before jumping. He attempts to reach out to you only to miss by an inch. Time seemed to slow down as you fell.

Yandere Mercury | Freddie Mercury x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now