Shut It

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"You'd best stay quiet, darling," Freddie grinned as he kept pulling you along the sidewalk.

"Or else what?" You snapped back at him, you weren't going to let him have this much control over you.

"Or else what, darling?" He chuckled and spun around, facing you instantly. He pushed you against a tree next to the sidewalk and put his hands on either side of you. His eyes pierced right through you as you tried to maintain eye contact. Slowly, one hand made its way down to the trim of your pants. Quickly, you grabbed it and tried your best to make sure it wouldn't move any farther. "Oh darling.." he chuckled and tugged his hand away. Swiftly, he grasped your wrists and pinned you against the tree roughly, "if you don't keep quiet then next time I won't let you stop me." You bit your tongue and glared into his eyes, it wasn't worth saying anything to risk being assaulted, or worse. "That's what I thought," he chuckled and pulled you along the sidewalk once again.

You stared at his long, black hair and sighed. "You know... if you didn't do this I would've loved being with you," you let him drag your heels against the concrete.

He continues walking and doesn't look back at you, his grip slowly tightens as he growls, "I don't believe you, darling."

You laugh, "fine, believe whatever you want, darling."

He quickly stops in his tracks, turns, then backhands you across the face. You stand frozen and hold your face. You never thought someone like him would do something like this. Tears stream down your face while his emotion doesn't change the slightest. "Don't call me, darling again," he growls, "now shut it or I'll do much worse, dear."

You nod as you walk with him. After what seemed like forever, you finally reach a quite large home.

Yandere Mercury | Freddie Mercury x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now