May I?

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Freddie slams the book shut and pushes his lips roughly against yours. You hesitate for a moment then kiss back as he drops the book. He puts his hands at your hips and attempts to stick his tongue inside only to be stopped by your teeth. He tugs at your shirt and growls giving you a warning in which you comply by unclenching your teeth. He pushes his body weight onto you as you both make out, only stopping for air.

After a few minutes, he makes his way down to your neck. You try your best to hold yourself back, but ultimately fail, letting a lengthy moan escape your lips. He continues on and tugs harder at your shirt, nearly ripping it at the seams. You tug at the handcuffs and whine as he stares devilishly into your eyes, slowly raising an eyebrow, "does somebody not want me to continue?" You try to maintain eye contact and remain silent as his expression turns to a glare, "it doesn't matter what you want anyway, darling." He rips off your shirt as you try to cover yourself with your free arm immediately making him growl, "I will handcuff your other hand if you don't move it, darling." You hesitantly move your hand away as he smirks, "I've taught you well."

You sit back and think for a moment, "can you free my other hand, Mr.Mercury? I want to be able to please you the best I can."

He raises an eyebrow, "you can do that with one hand, dear."

You whine and beg, "please, I want to prove myself."

He reaches for the cuffs and immediately grabs your chin roughly, "do anything stupid and I will do everything I can to make your life hell. Understand?"

You nod as he releases your free hand. You sit up straight and point to his pants, "may I?" He nods as you reach for the trim of it making him growl. You stop, moving your hand to the zipper and slowly take off his pants revealing his tight boxers. You blush at the sight as you put your hand to it making him let out a muffled 'mmphm'. Swiftly, you punch it as you make a break for it.

He yelps and quickly grabs your leg causing you to fall to the floor, "Y/N!" He yells sternly. He tries to move as you stumble to get up.

Fuck fuck fuck fuck. You run to the living room and jiggle the handle. It's locked!? You jiggle the handle more as you hear slow footsteps coming toward you.

"You fucked up, darling." He chuckles insanely, slowly making his way toward you.

Tears form around your eyes as you run upstairs, hoping to buy yourself some time.

Yandere Mercury | Freddie Mercury x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now