Her eyes widened in shock and she tried hard to mask it. Slowly a small smile cracked on her lips and her eyes glistened.

I don't know how many shocks I was going to get today.

"Where has this girl been all this while, huh? This sassy, proud and confident girl who doesn't give a shit to anyone and stood up for herself? Where have you been? You could've stopped Hunter. You could've stopped me." Bailey's voice broke at the end.

I didn't know what to say. When she stopped me, I expected her to shout at me. I expected her to insult me and call me names. Hell, I even expected her to hit me.

But what I definitely didn't expect was her to talk to me with guilt. For a moment, I actually believed her act.

Don't fall prey to her fake tears Jas. She's most probably helping Hunter to get to you.

"I don't have time for your bullshit Bailey." I said and turned to go but her next words stopped me again.

Not only because of the exact words, but also because of the way she spoke.

"I'm sorry Jasmine." Bailey spoke with such a broken voice it pulled the strings at my heart. I turned to look at her and saw her holding her head down, as a tear slid down her left cheek.

"I'm so so sorry. I know my apology is  like a lifetime late and it is never going to redo your past. I know it is not going to change anything in the past or the present. A lifetime of apologies will be short for what I did to you. If I was the same girl I was a year back, I wouldn't even have thought of apologising to you ever. So when I say that I have changed, I mean it. I'm sorry Jasmine. If I can go back in time and change my ways, or even try to stop Hunter, I would. But unfortunately, I can't. And I'm so very sorry for that."

By now tears were flowing down Bailey's cheeks and she was sobbing. I had never seen her so broken and down with guilt. Yeah, no doubt a part of me always wanted her to suffer for what she did to me. But right now, when I see her this way, it just breaks my heart.

It shouldn't, yet it does.

"You and your boyfriend destroyed me Bailey. Tell me, how can I forget about all those things?" I cried softly.

Bailey's body racked with sobs and I felt bad for her. Gone was the girl who would move around the school like she owned it. Gone was the girl who derived her pleasure from seeing me cry in pain. Gone was the girl who loved seeing me in pain.

In her place, stood a broken girl asking for forgiveness.

If I was correct about how much I knew her, Bailey never apologised. She would do anything but not go down on her knees, keep aside her pride and ego and apologise. So it definitely was a big thing.

But I had learnt this long ago to never trust the people who hurt you. If they can do this once, they can do this again.

"Why should I trust you? Why should I trust your apologies? You never cared if I died or lived. Hell, you would've jumped up and down with joy if I died. So why now?" I asked with determination.

Bailey sniffed and wiped her tears. "I know what happened that night."

I froze and shut my eyes to get rid of that horrid night.

"Please. Don't." I croaked out.

"I'm sorry if it's bringing back terrible memories for you. But that was the night everything changed. I really want to tell you everything. If you would only give me a chance." She pleaded.

I shook my head. "Go Bailey. I don't need yours or Hunter's presence in my life again. I'm so done with this. Just leave me alone."

I turned to go but she stopped me.

"Please Jasmine." She pleaded. "Let me make everything clear. Let me tell you why I tortured you, why I was so against you. Just give me one chance."

"How can I trust you that you're actually, genuinely sorry and is not just going to lure me into your fake ass story so that you can hand me over to Hunter?" I snapped.

"I have a daughter Jasmine."

Her words widened my eyes and I took a step back. I looked her up and down and into her eyes.

"W-what?" I sputtered.

Bailey sighed. "I have a daughter. I realised I was pregnant the day Hunter got arrested. She changed me, Jasmine. Her presence in my life made me realise so many things in life. She is the reason I'm able to stand here today and tell you that I'm sorry. If I didn't have her, I don't know where I would've been today. That was the reason I dropped out of school and started working in a cafe."

I moved away from her grip on my elbow and held my head in my hands. It was too much to handle. I always knew teenage pregnancy was very common nowadays. But before today, I never met someone I knew who was stupid enough to be careless and fall prey to it. I looked at her and saw the sincerity and love she had for her daughter.

"I have always been a spoilt brat. I was selfish and would do anything to get whatever I wanted. My mother used to tell me that I have to learn to be considerate and compassionate. She told me that there are some things in life I would only understand when I become a mother of my own." Bailey said as I listened with rapt attention.

"I understood what she was trying to tell me when I first held my daughter in my arms. I knew what she meant all those times she told me that. Being a mother changes you in ways you would've never imagined Jasmine. You'll remember my words when you'll hold your child in your arms for the first time. Trust me." Bailey smiled softly.

I looked at her like she came from another planet.

"Come with me for a cup of coffee. I'll tell you everything then. And I promise you, I don't have anything to do with Hunter anymore. In fact, I have things which might help you. Even I don't want him anywhere near my daughter."

I thought about it for a moment. Even though it could've been extremely dangerous, I found myself accepting her proposal.

I sent a quick text to Violet saying I won't be in school today. I even thought about texting Chris, but decided against it. I don't want to burden him with all of my problems.

As we walked to her car, I asked something I was thinking of since she told me about her daughter.

"What's her name?"

Bailey stopped near her car and looking at me with a small smile, replied.


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