Chapitre 40

637 24 3

21st May 2019, d-day..

The moment the door of the room he could call his only a few more hours closed, Mark was too tired of holding and hiding it all ans just let the tears fall down his face. All of his stuff were in the suitcase, his documents and hand luggage were prepared. The whole room was empty and unwelcoming. Mark was crying so hard he couldn't barely make it to the bed where he cried himself to sleep.

But the peace didn't last long. Was it his sixth sense of just Yukhei's too loud sobs but Mark woke up a few times during the night for not particular reason only to cry again and fell asleep as he got tired of it.

His flight wasn't too early in the morning but was still before noon so Mark had to wake up a bit earlier just to check everything for nth time and make sure he wasn't forgetting anything.

While the Canadian was getting ready in the bathroom, he almost got scared of his reflection in the mirror. His eyes were wide and red, his whole face was puffy and swollen. He looked absolutely wreaked but he couldn't even put make up on to hide it because he knew it won't be long before he was crying again.

There was still time before he had to go to the airport and his stomach was longing for a good breakfast before it had to deal with the plane food but Mark didn't have any plans leaving his room any time soon. Leaving the room could mean that he may face Yukhei which will only lead to more tears and he was too tired of that. His heart was hurting for the Chinese and the thought of home and his parents only scared him. But it was also his scare that was taking him back to Canada in first place.

A few  knocks on the door took him out of his trance. Mark hesitated for a moment before he got up to open it because he wasn't sure if his legs wouldn't betray him on the way. It could be hardly called walking but Mark dragged himself to the door, taking a deep breaths before opening it. Of course, it had to be Yukhei. The same Yukhei that normally had a permanent  smile on his face, except this time there he looked no better that Mark, with red eyes ans puffy from crying face. The Chinese forced a smile but it came too afflicted. Mark got distracted for a second and wasn't sure if Yukhei cleaned his throat to get his attention back or because he has said anything and waited for a answer but he still repeated.

- I made a breakfast. Come and eat, please.

The hoarseness and the crack of the Chinese's voice only made Mark's heart sink deeper in pain but he nodded, not wanting to turn off the offert.

Yuqi and Mark were quick at exchanging goodbyes and a few hugs as she had some early exam for the end of the year and she couldn't miss it. It was only Mark and Yukhei in the car on their way to the airport. It was impossible to ignore each other but it also felt uncomfortable for Mark to keep talking all the time.

The ride was short or it felt shorter to Mark as he felt panic rising in his chest the moment the airport appeared before his view. He wanted to tell Yukhei to stop the car and just run the opposite way until he was far away but at the same time he couldn't even breathe properly. The reality never hit him that hard until he saw the airport and he knew there was no way back.

Months ago, when Mark was going to the airport, to fly to Korea, he also had some bad feeling in the guts telling him to just stay with his parents and don't act ridiculous but still took the plane. Ans it was his best decision ever. But now, having to go back from where he came, after getting a taste of the freedom, Mark was beyond terrified. Back in Canada there was no Yukhei to give him courage and to hold him when he needed. It sounds so terrifying. But he couldn't do anything to change it. He couldn't even promise to Yukhei that helped be back soon because deep down in himself he was scared that he would never see him again.

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