Chapitre 23

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The sun was already rising, making the sky paint in different shades of pink and orange. The dark purple curtains were almost stopping the light from penetrating into the room. The small terrace from Yukhei's room was soundlessly calling for Mark, who barely had any sleep last night. Being wrapped in the older's arms always helped the Canadian get some decent amount of sleep but this night was too occupied with different thoughts.

Mark managed to escape the other's embrace. He found some T-shirt, only to find out it was Yukhei's, and slowly started dragging his feet in direction of the terrace. The door opened easy and Mark was outside within a seconds. The terrace wasn't too big but it was enough. The grid like parapet was exposing Mark's legs but his T-shirt was at least covering him to his thighs. The morning air was just as thick and suffocating as the night before. The only difference was that unlike yesterday, the weather was still cool. It made Mark's skin bristled. The cold wind was cooling down his thoughts and as he closed his eyes he could feel as he was flying - so high above the other people down the street yet not to much to top the skyscrapers.

A pair of arms wrapped around Mark's tiny waist, pulling him closer. Yukhei's bare chest pressed to Mark's back and the older rested his head on the other's shoulder. Mark noticed how Yukhei got goosebumps when the wind blew harder but they didn't move. Instead, Yukhei cuddled closer to the younger and tightened his grip around the other.

- Xuxi, I can feel your boner pressed to my ass.

Mark announced but still didn't push the other off him. Yukhei, on his turn, laughed and kissed the Canadian's cheek.

- That's my way of saying good morning and you have a nice ass.

Mark muttered something about the other being a pervert only to earn a slap on his butt. The Canadian uses the opportunity to turn and run back into the room, throwing himself back on the bed. For his misfortune, Yukhei followed after him, almost crashing him.

They stayed for a while in the bed because Yukhei refused to get up again before 9am. It wasn't hard for him to fall asleep but Mark couldn't even close his eyes. He was staring at Yukhei's face for what feels like hours before the other finally woke up.

- Quit staring, creep.

- Can't help it. You actually look attractive when you don't talk.

The Chinese rolled his eyes and crawled into Mark's lap. He was shamelessly admiring the other with smile on his lips before he start to giggle.

- Not the be mocking you, but I can feel your boner pressed to my ass.

- Fuck you.

Yukhei laughed again and got off Mark's lap. He walked up to the wardrobe to get something to change up. Mark only looked at him from his place in the bed. The way Yukhei's back muscles were moving while he was putting on his T-shirt or the way his thighs were flexing when he was trying to put on his jeans. Mark wasn't sure what he has done in his previous life to deserve that top model boyfriend but he wasn't complaining. The insecurity part of him was telling him that he didn't deserve that kind boy but he tried to shake it off. Mark slowly got up and went to the bathroom that was connected with the bedroom, where Yukhei was applying some cream on his face.

- You should also apply sun cream on. We'll walk a lot today and we'll be exposed to the sun.

The Chinese mouthed to which Mark nodded and climbed on the sink where he was last night. Mark was observing the other again. That was something he wouldn't get tired of.

- I thought about something and I guess, if you really want to do it we can.. I can prepare some.. things and we can.. do it?

Mark didn't need more hints to get what Yukhei was talking about. The Canadian noticed how the other's whole attention was turned to him, waiting for some reaction but Mark was like frozen.

- But of course we don't have to hurry. I just thought that it would be more comfortable while we are here since we're alone. Actually, I'm not sure anymore because we'll have to go back tomorrow..

- Xuxi.

- I can talk with Yuqi to leave us while we are in our apartment so it's not a problem to wait...

- Xuxi!

Mark screamed and Yukhei shut up before screaming back at him an "yes" to encourage the younger to continue.

- Tomorrow. I'll call sick at work and we'll return on Monday.

Yukhei hesitated for a second but nodded. He knew that he shouldn't be nervous about it but he can't help it. Mark was trusting him too much and he didn't want to hurt him.

- Sure. Who tops?

The confusion on Mark's face was understandable as he thought that it was obvious that it will be Yukhei since he had more "experience". But something about the fact that the Chinese wanted to make sure if Mark was comfortable with everything, made Mark feel hot inside.

- You, please.

A long sigh left between Yukhei's lips before he rested his head on Mark's shoulder. The Chinese started drawing hearts on the other's milk white thighs. The small figures lasted on his skin for couple of seconds in light pink before disappeared. He sighed again before he continued.

- Okay. Then you just have to be clean. Everything else is on me. I love you.

In Mark's opinion the last sentence wasn't on place but he just giggled. His hands found their way to the other's face and made Yukhei look at him.

- I love you too. Thank you so much. I appreciate everything you do for me.

Suddenly Yukhei just screamed, startling Mark, who bumped his head on the wall behind him. Then the taller caught Mark's hands and dragged him out of the bathroom.

- This became too serious. Get dressed and come have breakfast.

With that Yukhei exited the room. Mark was too stunned to proceed that happened so he just stayed on his place for a good minute.

When Mark was ready he joined Yukhei in the other room. The Chinese was eating what seemed like cereal and there was also a bowl for Mark too. While they were eating in silence, Yukehi cleaned his throat.

- I sorry for earlier. I just got nervous. You get too Canadian sometimes that it makes me uncomfortable.

And with that the older got up and left the room.

- What's that supposed to mean, Yukhei!?

( T_T)( T_T)( T_T)( T_T)( T_T)( T_T)( T_T)

So,,, the new chapter is awful because I got some writing block(?) and I just can't write anything

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So,,, the new chapter is awful because I got some writing block(?) and I just can't write anything. Idk how long that will continue but I won't rush the next chapter because I want it to be good. Thanks for reading. All the love.xx



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