Chapitre 7

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The door opened revealing the dark room in front of Mark. He walked to the bed not bothering to turn on the lamp and sat down drowning in the softness of the sheets that covered it. Quickly check his phone and making a call to his parents back in Canada he lifted the cover and went between the hard mattress and the soft sheet ready to sleep.

Just as he felt the sleep coming for him he saw the door opening before Lucas entered. He didn't say anything and just went in joining Mark under the covers.

- Is everything alright?

The Chinese nodded.

- Do you need anything?

- Hug.

His voice was rough as he has cried or screamed not long ago. Was it because he was tired and wanted to sleep or he actually wanted it deep down in his mind, he sighed and moved closer to the boy.

- Come here.

Mark didn't think and pulled the older in his arms. Lucas lied his head on the other's chest and clung closer to him. As on habit, the Canadian started caressing the other's arm while his other hand was in the hair. Lucas was mumbling something under his nose creating a vibration that tickled Mark and made him giggle. It continued for a while until Lucas fell asleep.

- Good night, Xuxi. Sweet dreams.

In the morning the Canadian was again the first to be awake. It took him quite a time to escape for Yukhei's embrace. Once he was out he went to the kitchen where he made himself a cup of coffee. As someone who can't cook he spent a lot of time in this kitchen he thought as he sipped the bitter drink. Mark didn't had classes today until the afternoon but his body still had difficulties with adapting with the time difference and even if he was as tired as an ox he was up before it was 8am. The boy was sitting on the table facing the door. He really wanted to go back to his room and try to sleep or at least take a shower and change up in this daily clothes but he didn't want to bother Yukhei.

The time passed so slow for Mark who was beyond bored. It wasn't before 10am when Yuqi joined him in the kitchen. Last night he could excuse and go to his room but now Lucas was still sleeping there and Mark didn't have other choice but to stay. The Canadian wasn't sure on what terms he was with the Chinese girl after the accident that one morning and even though he has apologized he didn't dare to say a word so it was the girl that started a conversation. Just like an angel the other boy appeared to save Mark from the uncomfortable situation. Yukhei was only in a T-shirt and boxers, something the Canadian didn't noticed last night but the thought made his ears burn. The Chinese boy sat next to Mark stretching his arms to get the coffee in front of the girl. Annoyed Yuqi got up to prepare herself a new cup of the drink and while she has her back turned to them, she asked Lucas about last night - where he went, what happened. Without a second thought Mark took the opportunity to answer, saying that the other was all night in his room. That caught Yuqi off guard and she almost dropped th cup as she was putting it on the table.

- So you.. slept in the same bed?

Bothe nodded.

- He even cuddled me.

Mark added, pointing at Lucas, his eyes looking straight to the girl's soul. Yuqi giggled.

- Just date already. You are like a couple.

Mark smirked at the statement. He sat back, throwing his right hand over Yukhei's shoulder before a "wassup" from his side didn't make them all fell off laughing.

It was Yuqi who had to go to her classes first leaving to two other boys alone. Right now, as the Chinese was awake, Mark took the opportunity to go back to his room and get ready for his classes. Mark has just dressed after taking a shower, hair still a little wet, when Lucas knocked on the door more like to announce that he's coming in instead of waiting for a permission. Mark asked him if he needed something and the Chinese only pointing to the bureau where his phone was.

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