Chapitre 22

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The water in the bathtub was spilling with every move that someone made. It wasn't planned for Mark to join Yukhei and the Chinese has prepared it only for him so when the other joined him the floor covered in water. The couple was at the both corners of the small tub. Yukhei's huge figure had problem with fitting in with Mark so his legs were spread on the both sides of the other's shoulders, practically out while the Canadian's were on Yukhei's thighs. The hot water was splashing in tiny waves as Yukhei was caressing Mark's knees. It was nice and relaxing just lying in the tub. That closeness was something they never experienced before. So intimate connected inside the water yet there was space between them that separated their naked bodies from something further.

Yukhei was caught off guard when Mark first entered the room. If it was someone else it he would care much but it was his Mark. Yukhei has told him many times that there was no need to rush the things and that everything will eventually happen by itself but when Mark took off his shirt, Yukhei was already making place for him. It was their first time seeing each other naked. Maybe for Yukhei it wasn't anything special, but it made Mark's heart beat faster with excitement. Even so Yukhei was very careful with everything they did together.

Mark pulled himself toward Yukhei, shortening the space between them. His legs spread even more in the impact. Both working in sync, Yukhei leaned just in time to catch Mark's lips in a hot kiss. Mark wrapped his arms around the other's neck, holding him closer but too scared to fully close the space between them. Some flash of confidence took over Mark when he started dragging his hand over Yukhei's chest. A throaty moan escaped between Yukhei's lips, sending shivers through Mark's whole body and making his blood rush. He slid his hand over Yukhei's abs, going lower before the Chinese caught his hand, both pulling off from the kiss. Mark mewed weak, frowning his face still not opening his eyes. Yukhei took the other's chin between his index finger and his thumb and lifted his head. Just then Mark dared to sightly opening his eyes only to meet Yukhei's.

- Not now,baby boy. I really want it too but.. not now.

Something about all his rejections made Mark annoyed. Every time he tried to start something between them Yukhei always stopped him and told him "not now". He didn't want to make a scene but the embarrassment he felt made him get off the tub. The Canadian took his towel, wrapping it around his waist. He was ready to exit the bathroom when Yukhei took him by the shoulders, pressing Mark's back to his chest. They stayed like that for some time neither of them saying anything.

- Why is it so important to you?

Yukhei asked cautiously without any intention to mock the younger.

- It's a moment that people who love each other share. It's like.. it's the final form of love you can show to someone.

Mark's voice quiet down as he felt stupid. He knew Yukhei loved him because he have proved Mark that millions of times until now. That's why it made Mark feel stupid to the core. The only thing he was glad for is that Yukhei didn't say anything. Instead he let Mark from his hug and helped him sit on the sink while he got a towel for himself. Yukhei placed himself between Mark's legs and lifted his chin to make the younger look at him.

- I'll ask you something personal. You don't have to answer if you don't feel comfortable. Okay?

Mark nodded, whispered a quiet "okay" to assure Yukhei to continue.

- Have you ever had sex before? It doesn't matter if it was with a girl or with a boy?

This time the Canadian shook his head but didn't feel embarrassed about it. Maybe if this have happened a month ago or so he'll be red of embarrassment but he knew and trusted Yukhei for not making fun of that.

- Have you?

There was no place for hiding. Mark made it clear so there was no need for Yukhei to keep it a secret.

- I did. And I was underaged with the three of them.

It wasn't very recently, though Mark. He felt somehow reassured to know his lover had some kind of "experience" so Mark expected now from Yukhei to guide him when (if) they are going to have sex.

- I started dating him when high school started. I was around 14 or 15. But you know, I was teen, there were hormones. His name is Sicheng. He was two years older than me. My dad caught us making out so he tried so sell me for drugs. But I never liked him anyway so it's not a big lose.

The horrible attempt of joke made Mark get goosebumps. It was Yukhei who laughed at the younger horrified face, before he continued.

- Then I had.. it was.. she.. Yuqi..

Mark gasped and started laughing after that.

- No way!

- Yes way. And my last partner was when I came to Korea. It was a month or so before I was 18. He was only an year older than me and his name is Jungwoo. I can talk about him a lot because he is amazing person and I've never been more happier to have a person like him in my life.

Mark knew Jungwoo. He was from the welcoming group so basically he was the first person Mark met when he arrived in Korea. The Canadian didn't have much of a chance to get to know him better but he could tell that Jungwoo was very kind and comforting for the newcomers.

All Mark could say at the end of Yukhei's confession was a drawn-out "okay". It wasn't Mark's business to get a report of every relationship the Chinese had. It was him that Yukhei was with now.

- And, gosh, Minhyung, I really want to do it with you, but... you are virgin and I'm scared that I'll hurt you because believe me it hurts.

Mark pulled Yukhei in a hug. The Chinese was so sweet and caring it made Mark's heart ache. The love he was had for the younger was limitless and Mark felt like he couldn't never return him the same amount of appreciation.

- You have no idea how much I love you. I'm so thankful for not rushing me, but also so sorry for rushing you.

Yukhei lied his head on the other's shoulder, humming and kissing his neck. They stayed for a little longer before the Chinese yawned.

- Come on, big baby. Let's get you to the bed.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

A new chapter because it turned that my free week it's not going to be so free and I have to prepare for so many exams and I'm failing chemistry :'D Anyway, enough about my sad life hhh hope you like it ♡ 我爱你们

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