Chapitre 4

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Not long after Mark came he already became the victim of the literature faculty. As he was quiet and humble everyone took advantage of him and bullied him in every possible way. They clowned his every move and everything he said but no one actually talked to him. Yuqi was the only one who really enjoyed his company and spend as much time with Mark as possible. Something in him made the girl feel the need to protect him and make sure he was happy. Lucas wasn't different either even though he didn't dare to get closer and have conversation with the Canadian. The Chinese would skip classes when he knew the other didn't have ones and will watch him from afar to make sure no one bothered him and if someone dared to, he would make sure that it won't happen again. For the short time he had observed Mark, he could tell that he remained him of a child - innocent but naïve, somehow careless and very curious.

One afternoon, just after the two Chinese have returned from some restaurant not too far from their apartment, Yuqi received a call from the Canadian. It was a short one but enough to make both of them furious. On the other side of the line, between his sobs, Mark managed to explain that he was calling to ask if he can spend the night at their place as someone has broke into his dorm room and has ruined his belongs. It was a short ride with Lucas almost driving throw a few pedestrians and nearly crashing into a tree before they arrived. They found fast the boy's room as there were a few people in front of the door and it has a big hole in the middle. Mark was in his room sat on the floor hugging his knees and quietly sobbing. When the Chinese went into the room the boy lifted this head at their direction revealing his puffy eyes and red face marked by his tears. Yuqi immediately went to hug him. On other hand, Lucas couldn't breathe. He felt anger running through his whole body and his was doing everything not to punch something or better someone. The once deep shining black eyes looked so sad and empty now it broke his heart. Yukhei took a look around to mark out the damage of the room. The walls were scratched with different swear words but "kill yourself" and "faggot" were the most distinguished. There was trash thrown around, some books were torn apart and a lot of clothes covered the floor. Shoe prints were left on the bed sheets and the walls. Something in Lucas snapped. In seconds he was again in the hall where a group of gossipers were standing around. Everyone froze when they saw Yukhei. He looked dangerously calm on the outside unlike what he felt inside.

- Which one of you fuckers did that?

He asked too quietly as he pointed back at the Mark's room. No one dared to even breathe. No one was looking at Lucas in fear that his look will kill them on place.

- So we gonna play like this? Okay. I count to three and if no one admit that they did it, everyone will regret it.

He looked around but still no move or sign.

- One..

A few people started to whisper quietly.

- Two..

A girl down the hall screaming but Lucas didn't even flinch.

- Thre-

-It was Jason's gang!

Someone screamed right before the boy finish the countdown and it became quiet again.

Jason's gang was a group of few students that have lived in America and thought they were more than the others. They went around messing up mostly with the newbies and many were scared of them because they didn't want to become their next target. Somehow they have proclaimed Jason as their leader. He and Lucas weren't exactly on terms for different reasons but unlike the others the Chinese was scared of him.

- Send him my greetings! I'll deal with him later.

The boy turned back and went into the room where were Yuqi and Mark. For the time Lucas was out they stayed still on the floor, Yuqi cuddling and caressing the Canadian hair hoping that it will calm him down.

- Xuxi-

- Mark, you are coming with us. I won't let you stay here.

After going back to the Chinese apartment, Lucas was trying everything to make the Canadian feel better. His outgoing personality managed to make the other laugh within minutes as the whole ride was Mark crying and telling them he felt like a burden even though Lucas was assuring him that it wasn't a problem since it was him who proposed this anyway. Yuqi wasn't surprised on how well Lucas was doing with making Mark feel better. She was more than aware of all his stalking and she knew that no matter if he denied he had a soft spot for the Canadian. After they went back to the apartment she went out to go to the store to get them something for dinner.

The queue at the store wasn't long but it was going slow. Yuqi was waiting with her earphones on as she wasn't in a hurry and was actually enjoying her time before going back to the apartment and dealing with Yukhei's pinning at Mark who probably thought that he's just being friendly with him. Her eyes fell on the man in front of him just in time when he successfully pulled out the wallet of the man who stood in front of him in the queue. She ripped out her earphones out of her ears and right before he put it in his pocket, she screamed catching everyone's attention.

- Ya! What are you doing with this wallet? Give it back to the man! I saw you! You stole that wallet!

The man couldn't even move shocked for how the things turned out. The security came in a second and asked the three of them to follow him in his office to check the cameras and decide what will happen next. It was just as Yuqi described it and after checking the ID in the wallet they were free except for the robber who was arrested.

The girl went back to finish the grocery shopping and as she went outside she saw the man whose wallet was stolen waiting by the exit. He immediately went to her when he saw her.

- Hey! Thank you so much for earlier. I'm so thankful. Please, let me treat you something! Whatever you say.

Yuqi was a bit taken aback but she smiled and decided hoping she'll get rid of the boy.

-  No need. I'm good as I am. Thanks!

- Please!

Yuqi sighed.

- No.

- At least tell me your name.

The girl hesitated for a second but told it anyway because she was getting impatient.

- Yuqi.

- Oh! So beautiful! It means gem in Chinese right?

The girl nodded.

- Beautiful! I'm Jaemin.

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It's been years but finally a new update!! I haven't checked it so I'm sorry if there are mistakes.. I hope you like it!! All the

P.S. What do you think of Yuqi x Jaemin?('⊙ω⊙')



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