Chapitre 11

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The lack of sleep didn't stop Mark form going out. He knew that if he stayed at the apartment to wait for the Chineses, he'd die from boredom. At first he went out just for a walk but he also stopped at some café and did grocery shopping. He even accompanied Hyuck to the library just to pass more time out. On his way back to the apartment, after he left Donghyuck with Yeji, who apparently has accepted his invitation to go on a date. The younger happily recounted more details about how it went without missing the opportunity to mention how pretty and cute was the girl. For the few time Mark spent with her he definitely could confirm that.

The Canadian was carrying two plastic bags from the store slowly jiggling. His mind took him to the conversation he had last night with Lucas. After the latter started to cry it was his turn to distract himself with taking about his time in China. Mark assured him a few times that it wasn't necessary if the older didn't felt comfortable but he insisted. Yukhei talked about his work, about their failed mission, about the loose of his friend, about the fear of loosing Yuqi, Kun, Ten and even Mark. He confessed that he has killed men without second thought. Maybe that's when Mark get shivers down his spine but he couldn't stop listening to him. Mark's parents were very religious and he himself, since he grow up in that kind of environment. He preferred to believe that Lucas was doing so only because it was his job and he was obligated. That why he prayed for him. Mark prayed for the older's safety.

After entering the apartment, Mark didn't notice any sign that the others were home. He left the groceries in the kitchen and when to his room only to find Yukhei sitting on his bed. The Canadian felt beyond happy. Lucas was about to stand up and go to the boy but the younger threw himself into the other pushing them both back on the bed. Mark clung closer to the other hiding his head in the crook of Yukhei's neck, inhaling deeply. The latter typically scent of caramel was now mixed with the smell of cigarets but it still was Mark's favorite smell. Lucas was holding the other by the waist with one hand while with the other he was caressing his back.

It was long before the Chinese turned them around, sitting on the top of the younger to get a look at him. Lucas leaned over the boy and traced his right hand all over Mark's face to his chin before catching it between his index finger and his thumb. Yukhei bend down just to leave a small kiss on his favorite spot on the other's cheek but Mark had different plans by moving just to catch the older's lips on his. It could be barely be called a kiss as their lips touch only for a second before Lucas backed off but that didn't stop Mark to grin like a Cheshire cat. The Canadian's behavior and courage surprised Yukhei but he was far from done with the younger.

- How about we go on a date tonight?

Mark's brows knitted. He wrapped his hands around Yukhei's neck and pulled him closer so their foreheads can touch. He glanced quickly at the the other's plump lips and then back at his eyes. Lucas caught his speechless demand and pressed their lips together but again just for some seconds.

- I think I may like kissing you.

- I call these pecks but sure.

Mark grimaced and the answer.

- Then what do you call a kiss?

He asked while stressing on "you". Lucas smirked at him and touched their lips again together.

- This is peck and this..

As the spoke he rolled his hips over Mark's, making him gasp, before leaning while his lips were still parted. For his surprise it was Mark who tickled Yukhei's lips with his tongue and deepened the kiss. But the older didn't let him enjoy it for a long before he pulled back

- Woah, Casanova, where and when did you learn to French kiss?

Mark giggled.

- I don't know.

- You are acting like a horny teenager. Go get dressed and I'll take you somewhere.

Lucas announced and he crawled off the other who was now pouting. It was impossible to leave the room without kissing his lips so Yukhei didn't miss his opportunity.

- Be a good boy and you'll get a reward tonight.


Their date wasn't anything special. Lucas drove them around the city and if any of them saw something interesting or some places where they wanted to eat they just stop. And it continued like that until it was dark out.the whole time Mark kept his playful mood even when they were out. On the top of that he has become very touchy and at some points Yukhei had to remind him that they were out were everyone can see them.

Even though it was already dark outside it was still early then Lucas was driving them back home. On one traffic light they stopped Mark started rubbing the other's tight.

- What is it, baby boy?

- I don't want to go home yet.

The Chinese didn't have to turn to see the pout on his lips. He could feel it from his whining. He sighed.

- Then what do you want to do?

The younger thought for a second.

- How about you give me the reward for being a good boy?

- But you weren't.

There was a horn from behind that scared them. The light was now green and the vehicles behind wanted to continue to the route. Lucas quickly took a right turn and continued like that between some buildings Mark wasn't familiar with and soon took another turn on the right where he turned off the car's engine. Yukhei's knuckles where white from holding the steering wheel.

- Why did we stop?

Lucas turned to him.

- You wanted your reward, didn't you?

Something in the latter's look made Mark lose his words so he just nodded.

- Good boy. Unbuckle your seatbelt now.

Just as he said it Lucas himself unbuckle his and stretched out his hands to try to unzip Mark's jeans.

- What are you doing?

- I'll suck you.

- You won't.

- Wanna bet?

Mark didn't answer. After Lucas succeeded with unzipping Mark's clothing while making sure the younger actually was okay with what he was about to do and getting playful hit on the head, he kissed the younger's lips.

- One last time, if you don't feel comfortable I won't do anything, or if you feel uncomfortable at any part during the act you have to full right to stop me right away, understood?

- Yes.

- Good boy.

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Aye~~ New chapter. Hope you like it uwu. All the

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