Chapitre 36

432 22 21

17th May 2019, 4 days to go..

For first, the weather was painfully hot compared to the last few days. Around 4am Mark felt like he can't stay any longer on the bed, especially so close near Yukhei's body that radiated way too much heat, so he just crawled off the bed and on the floor. The cold surface cooled Mark just enough to lure him back to sleep.

The second time Mark woke up was when Yukhei kicked him to check if he was alive but also to inform that he was going out. If it wasn't for the stifling atmosphere Mark would for sure get up and hang himself around the other neck to steal a kiss or two. But he passed it this time.

Somewhere around noon Mark had to get up from the cool floor with a huge annoyance and get ready as Donghyuck has texted him. Apparently the younger was is in urgent need of help for something he couldn't say over the phone. After 5 minutes of convincing Mark that his situation was actually important, Hyuck got a permission to go to the Chinese's apartment.

The Canadian was lazily lying on the sofa, with his spectacle glasses way too low on his nose, reading some book he found in his bedroom, when he heard a knock on the door. A knock that sounded more like kicks but that didn't bother him enough as he left his book on the table and just  dragged his legs to welcome his guest.

The view that was revealed before him, after he opened the door was amusing. For him of course, Donghyuck looked as if he was about to shit himself, holding a few bags with clothes, make up suit case and pushing boxes with shoes with his leg.

The younger made his way to into the apartment and to the living room where he tossed his belongings on the sofa Mark was lying seconds ago, getting a frown from the latter.

- I need help.

The Canadian arched his eyebrow as to make the other to continue and it was enough for Hyuck to get the hint so he nodded and continued:

- I have a date.

- Congratulations. And where is the problem?

The harsh tone Mark used made the younger flinch and rethink his decision of coming to him for advice and Mark, who seemed to notice that quickly apologized.

- He is.. that me. And it took me few days  to ask him on a date without him rejecting me because he thought I was messing with him. So basically, what I need help for is to make me look more mature so I can show him that my intentions are good.

A first date! Mark could vividly remember his first date with Yukhei. It was, just like everything else in their relationship, rushed but Mark wouldn't trade that memory for anything else. Just the thought of it made his heart feel soft and a smile to spread in his lips. Suddenly, he got excited. He wanted to help Hyuck.

Mark patiently listened to what Hyuck expected and wanted, details about where he was planning to take his date and so more.

After deciding on what Hyuck was going to wear and as to why a costume was way too much for the restaurant he was taking his date, the two chose skinny black jeans and a black shit with golden sunflowers embroidered on it. When they were ready with the clothing they moved to the make up. Mark felt ashamed for a second when he saw all of the things Hyuck had, plus he couldn't really help the boy with this, except for giving him an advice here and there about which colors matched the best.

As the whole living room has become a mess, Yuqi also joined the two. The girl expressed her wish to make Hyuck's hair, which the latter didn't minded as he hasn't thought that far ahead of the events but would have definitely panicked for later on.

Yuqi brought a huge mirror that gave to Hyuck and sat him on a chair so she could reach and make his hair. Unlike Mark, who was more of a listener than speaker, Yuqi didn't hesitate of asking more questions about the date. It came to the Canadian's notice how excited Donghyuck was talking about it and it made him wonder if he looked also like that when he was talking about Yukhei.

- How did you met?

- Classes.

Yuqi made a comment about how that was a total cliché, making the younger to giggle.

- You said he's older, though. Has he just changed subjects or something?

The question made Hyuck lost his smile and for a moment he tried to pretend he didn't hear the question but it was impossible as it only get the others attention on him.

- Actually he's assistant professor at humanities..

Yuqi took the information well, unlike Mark, who looked more surprised that shocked but it was obvious it caught him off guard.

- Wait, how much older is he than you?

- Six years.

It kind of clicked now in the Canadian's mind. Of course, Donghyuck wouldn't make so much preparation for a date with someone his age as he was enough confident in himself. But when it came for someone older, he was ready to get every advice that could possible help it. No wonder he wanted to impress his date so he wouldn't thought that Hyuck is messing with him.

- He's almost thirty while you are barely twenty?

- Twenty one in two weeks.

Donghyuck's answer was rather harsh as if Mark was insulting him or his date and the younger had to protect their pride, while in fact he felt tears burning in his eyes, threatening to row down his cheek but he knew better that ruining his make up.

- He's funny and kind.

- It's okay, Hyuck. You don't have to prove anything. It's just that the age gap is not small. Keep that in mind so if he doesn't like you, it's his miss.

Yuqi assured the younger with a squeeze of his shoulders and her significant warm smile that could make everyone love her.

After the long preparation and Yuqi's calming words, Hyuck was more confident and promised to update her about everything. When the younger left the apartment, with Mark's help to return his belongings back to his apartment, Yuqi scolded the latter for not being enough of a supportive friend and went out, leaving Mark again alone with only his thoughts.

This time Yukhei was earlier home for Mark's biggest surprise. The Chinese looked tired, most like because of the less sleep he was getting the past few days, so Mark didn't get up to welcome him as he did recently, with a kiss.

- Is everything okay?

The Chinese asked rather worried and made his way to Mark, who was sitting cross legged on the floor.

- You look tired.

- I'm not.

However, as if Yukhei jinxed it, right after he said that he yawned.

- Okay, maybe a bit.

Mark giggled, jumping on his feet to help the other also get up. Yukhei didn't miss his opportunity to kiss the smaller but also without much complaining to drag himself to first take a shower and then go to bed.

- Only if we make out when I'm done.

Mark rolled his eyes at the other's attitude and scoffed. Tired Yukhei was a clingy Yukhei, but who was Mark to reject his kisses.

- Only if tomorrow night we go to Han river.

Without a second of hesitation Yukhei agreed and disappear in the bathroom.

(●'ω`●) hello (●'ω`●)

It's the new chapter I promised yay!!!! What do you think of it? Did you catch who Hyuck is going on a date with? What do you thinking of that new pair? Why could Mark possibly want to go to Han river again?🤭🤭 Feel free to express your opinion about anything. I think this chapter got longer but I don't think you'll complain about it. Hope you like it UwU Love

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