Chapitre 14

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Adronitis- frustration with how long it takes to get to know someone.

Especially when all you want is to get to know that certain someone. But it's impossible to tell them all your life in minutes or hours. It took time. A lot of time and patience, not only to get to know them but to actually see what kind of person are they and if you still want these people to be in your life.

It was part of Yukhei's life that he couldn't share too much information about it. So if something was bothering him he had Yuqi who was like him that he could share anything to. He never had another friend who he could trust. He did went out sometimes with people he know but it was hard to call them friends since all they knew was the Yukhei that he was the good student. Non of them knew knew that the said Yukhei has killed men, has robbed places. No one knew that the Yukhei they knew was left by his parents at age of fifteen to take care of himself. No one knew that if Kun haven't found him, that Yukhei wouldn't probably be alive right now. But Yukhei didn't want anyone to know that. He didn't want people to pity him or to look at him otherwise than the loud funny boy he was. There was no one more important in his life than Kun at the time. He took Yukhei under his wing when he himself was a bit over 18 and just joined the Zhong's. Yukhei quickly got used of the routine of the gang and soon was promoted and even took hold of the korean part of the gang.

Yuqi was there before Yukhei. Later when she joined Yukhei's team, she shared how she become part of the Zhong's. She was what it was called a blue blood - a daughter of mister Zhong's sister or simply she was Zhong's niece. She was his favorite child from his family right after his son. The two kids grew up together beside everyone in the gang. Chenle, Zhong's only son, was obligated to take care of the gang so his father always showed him different things that weren't supposed to be shown to children. For Yuqi it was the same. They were trained from toddlers to be prepared to join the gang. So Yuqi was just luck to be related with the leaders and not to come from outside.

Yukhei envied her. But at the same time he was glad that she didn't had a dark past like most of them.

Originally, Yukhei came from the Canton. It wasn't as if he didn't know Chinese but he needed time to get used of the language and Yuqi helped him a lot. For a short time, they became too close. Their relationship escalated too fast and they were very close for some time before they actually get to know each other. But it went just as fast downhill when they found out their true feelings. From friends to lovers to enemies. They couldn't look at each other for months. It was a whole disaster especially when they lived under the same roof.

It was like that until Ten came. The Thai helped the gang a lot with his appearance. He showed both Yuqi and Yukhei how a healthy relationship should be built on patience and trust, how after being assaulted physically and sexually he opened himself again for Kun. It took the both teens time to build their friendship again but it was a strong one this time.

So right now Yukhei was familiar with not feeling loved by the person he expected to be. But he should know better. He was guilty for his state. He felt in love with him only after knowing him for a month or so and have trusted him too much for the short amount of time. However, Yukhei didn't want to lose Mark.

- I think we should slow down.

Mark was quite. He couldn't find the right words to say anything. There were too much unspoken words between them. But they were both too stubborn to make the first move.

- Xuxi.. I.. I swear I love you. I.. I just don't want to be called.. that word.

Yukhei sighed. He took Mark's hand in his and hold it. The Chinese leaned in and kissed his cheek as if to assure him that he was ready to hear him out and even forgive him because if Yukhei had to be honest with himself he knew he can't ignore Mark.

- I don't want you to love me, god, it's too early for that. I jut want you to respect me and I don't want to be ashamed with me or with the fact that you like me.

- I like you so much, Xuxi. But they called me.. I don't want to be called that.

Mark was now screaming. The adrenaline from earlier was speaking instead of him rising also the temperature in the car. Haven't seen Mark like that, Yukhei was quite surprised with the sudden burst from the other and being the same stubborn donkey as Mark he wanted to scream back at him.

- People have different sexualities, Mark! People are gay, lesbian, transgender or whatever! If you are going to be act like a  homosexual shit get out of my car!

- I'm not! I respect every human being and want also to be respected so I don't want to be labeled as gay! Get it through your thick skull. I'll marry you and still won't be gay. Don't call me that! Fuck you!

After that the silence filled the car again. Mark's eyes were searching the other's in try to find some emotion - was it sadness, was it anger. Whatever but not the emotionless face that was sending shivers through his whole body. Something to confirm that his Xuxi was back and not the stone cold Lucas from earlier. And he found it. Yukhei's big eyes were shining back at his. Too taken in his thoughts Mark smiled and after that even started giggling causing a grimace to appear on Yukhei's face.

- Fuck you, Xuxi! I love you. I love your fucking big eyes and your annoying plump lips. And your hyena like laugh. I love it!

- I still think we should take the things slower.

Mark snored at the answer. He leaned and relaxed his head on the other's shoulder. He ran his lips over Yukhei's jaw to his ear where he whispered:

- Dude, you sucked me not long ago. Don't you think it's a bit late to take the things slow?


First, I want to start with  apologize for making you wait so long but I just didn't feel like writing and I don't want to write something just so I can upload it on time, I want to write something you would hopefully like. I don't know when I'll upload the next chapter, but I hope you like this one.
Second, I'm beyond thankful to all of you who take from their time to read this and comment!! Thank you so much!('༎ຶོρ༎ຶོ')੭ꠥ⁾⁾♡
All the

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