Chapitre 34

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15th May 2019, 6 days to go..

Never in million years Mark thought that his visit in Korea will turn his life upside down. Never in million years though that he would find love there. Sure, he did went to Korea rebelling against his parents as a teenager but he never imagined to find someone. Someone he will fall for, someone who will fall for him. Nor did his closed mind thought that that someone could be a boy.

But who can blame him. That's how he was thought. Years and years, hearing the same words, doing the same routine from morning until evening. Who would thought that the moment Mark got on that plane, that life-long lasting flight to the other half of the world will take his previous perfect life and will throw it in his feet, breaking it in million pieces, making it impossible to repair it in anyway.

His life has gone madly wrong from all he could imagine. Because he, never in million years, thought that his heart could hurt like that, that he could love someone like his life depended on it. He has read about that kind of love in the books, the useless romantic stories everyone find too sappy and annoying to even believe they were real. Mark couldn't relate his story, far too imperfect, to the ones he read about. However, everything he felt for Yukhei couldn't even be close to the love that the authors wrote about.

In a few weeks, Yukhei had become Mark's live-saver. He showed that innocent boy all the pleasures of life he has missed back in Canada. And Mark was imbibing all the knowledge, getting greedy for more, wanting to try out everything. And Yukhei, right on his disposal, was patient and just as expected as the other boy to introduce the latter to a new completely different ambiance, the one of his world.

So much memories and stories Mark could tell no one about. But not a second of regret. If he could take time back, he would only correct his mistakes and would spend every moment possible with Yukhei. "I wronged him so many times, maybe even hurt him - Mark thought - but he still come back to me. He made me feel comfortable and loved with him. How could a person possibly be so selfless? It was almost impossible to see him being rude to anyone. And if he was then they really deserved it then."

Such and  many other thoughts were going in Mark's mind as the cool water was trying to wash them away. The Canadian spent the whole night lying next to Yukhei, as he couldn't find himself falling asleep. They talked a lot until very late, until Yukhei fall asleep. It was nice yet sad that they made it work with the communication at the end. Everything was established back to normal between the two boys, but the pressure around Mark's upcoming departure was holding them back from more tenderness. Their words were lovely but dry.

Yukhei forgave the other easy, telling him sweet nothings when all he wanted was to scream from the bottom of his lungs: "Don't go. Stay with me. We can run away. Just the two of us.". It didn't actually really bother him that Mark was going, but that he didn't know when it's going to be the next time they be able to meet again. And Yukhei didn't want to just leave Mark. For the short time Mark became part of Yukhei's family. The Chinese got so attached to the point he couldn't imagine not waking up next to the other.

The Canadian was too deep in his thoughts that he didn't notice when Yukhei came behind him in the small shower cubicle. The latter mumbled something with a voice too hoarse for Mark to understand but Mark could feel him, his chest behind him and his hands caress the younger's body.

- I missed you.

That was all Mark could make out from the things Yukhei was now saying in both Korean and Chinese. Like a toy, the older spun the other until they were facing each other and connected their lips in a rashly and teeth crashing kiss. Like on a habit, Mark's palms wrapped around Yukhei's neck and, not second after, his legs were around the other's waist. In a swift move, the Chinese turned off the water and took both of them out of the bathroom, as Mark was still on his hips.

- It's useless taking shower now. You'll need anotherwhen I finish with you.

- It sounds as if you're going to kill me.

The innocent giggled that left between Mark's almost made Yukhei cooed. Almost. Maybe if the two boys weren't naked, wet and just about to fuck, then it could be considered cute. Yukhei quickly recovered from these thoughts as Mark was the first one to try to connect their mouths in another kiss.

Mark was lying on his stomach, looking at Yukhei who was just fresh out of the bath, saving it to cover himself in anything. However, now, Mark noticed, there wasn't his famous lazy smile on his face, but he looked dead serious. For that same reason, Mark patted the empty space on the bed next to him and waiting for Yukhei to sit before asking him what was wrong.

- I thought about you. More like your departure. And when I thought more about it right now in the shower, I came up with the solution that it would be better if we stop being so attached to each other.

Mark needed a few seconds to register what was Yukhei actually talking about. He even tried to twist it in other way but no matter what, it was obvious that Yukhei wanted for them to break up. The Canadian felt broken and betrayed. If that's all Yukhei wanted from the beginning, why did he forgave Mark. There were tears in his eyes. Suddenly his dolor turned into anger.

- Is this why we just fucked?! Because you wanted to breaking up?!

The Canadian's voice kept getting higher with every word until he was screaming. The older dropped his head low as too hid his shame.

- It would be the best for us if we don't have each other attached by the hip. It won't be that hard.

- You can't be serious. I can get over that.

There was a little pause between the two boys before Yukhei sighed.

- You may get over it but I don't think I could.


Hello, hello, I late again but a new chapter😤😤 before I disappear for who knows how much I just wanted to complain about my sad life. So yesterday was a hell of a day 2.0 and today I broke my toe lol. Now back to the new chapter... Hope you like it!!! And what do you think Mark will do?🤔🤔 And Yukhei? Love you.xx

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