Chapitre 3

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More than a week since the Chinese have finished the mission successfully Yuqi and Lucas were back in Korea to their regular rythme. The boy's exams have started right after they returned and he was surviving since then on minimum hours of sleep and dozen litters of coffee. He wasn't dumb. Maybe a little lazy when it came to study but he wasn't in anyway dumb. Yuqi often envied the amount of languages he knew but also his outgoing and cheerful personality.

It was still dark outside when the alarm went off in the whole appartement waking up the two who were cuddling under the blanket. Last night it too all of the girl's will not to kill Lucas as he wouldn't let them sleep because he didn't felt enough prepared for his last exam but they both had to wake up early for classes. After a while her prayers were heard and they went to bed but not without Yukhei's whimpering that leaded to crying. It wasn't uncommon to Yuqi to comfort the boy while he was crying. As a leader of the korean group he had many stressful days that often leaded to him crying while Yuqi was caressing him to sleep. This time the main cause was the exams. The annoying alarm was piercing through their ears but neither of them tried to get up and turn it off. In fact, it only made Yukhei to bury further under the covers while the girl groaned in answer. As they were lying and ignoring the alarm Lucas suddenly jumped off the bed, turning off the unpleasant sound and started dressing up.

- I'm going to the café to get coffee poisoned and I'll go straight to the exam hall. I'll come to get you after your classes finish. See ya later!

The boy breathed it out just before he ran out of the room and soon from the appartement. On other hand, Yuqi was still in bed, a bit worried about the boy's behavior when he was stressed.

Around noon the exam has already finished and Lucas had his bright smile on the face again as he was walking to the literature faculty. He planned to take the girl and go somewhere to eat as he barely had an actual meal from the beginning of the exams. It was also a celebration for surviving the exam period again. There were a new restaurant near that he really wanted to try and just by the thought of it he started drooling.

Xuxi's excited walking ready reminded of a puppy. Just as he went into the building, he was Yuqi to exit the room. She was talking to some boy that Lucas has never seen in the campus before. It wasn't a secret that when it came to Yuqi and boys he became way too protective because he didn't want his best friend to be heart broken. He has set to himself as a mission to find her a boy that will give her the world and nothing less. It would be unnecessary to say that Yukhei has already scared two of her boyfriends and that they don't even dare to look at her way. Lucas made his way to Yuqi jumping excited which only made him look taller and intimidating and if it wasn't for his smile anyone could tell he was there to fight someone. The girl didn't pay many attention to him as she continued to talk to the other boy that Lucas didn't even try to notice. The girl's indifference made him a bit annoying so he asked her in chinese:

- Can you stop acting like... this... and already to to the restaurant? I'm starving.

- Shut up, asshole.

And that only leaded to more bickering in chinese while the other boy just stayed behind the girl awkwardly. He decided to introduce himself in hope that it will stop their arguments.

- Um, hi!? I'm Mark. Nice you meet you. I'll be studying here this semester as an exchange student but otherwise I'm from Canada.

Now the two have stopped arguing but didn't said anything to the boy. Lucas was eyeing him. He was a lot shorter than him but not as short as Yuqi. His face was small and clean. His black hair was falling over his forehead just to his eyes. And the eyes. Big dark as the night sky that were shining at the same time as if he had stars in them. They remained of galaxies to Lucas and this thought made him flush. To try to hide it he scoffed and turned at the opposite direction to the door from where he first entered. Yuqi was very confused to that reaction. She apologize to Mark explaining that Lucas was like that soon following him outside to find him sat on a bench, hugging his knees as he looked at the grass in front of him as it was the most interesting thing. The girl sat next to him and leaned her head resting in on his shoulder.

- Are you okay?

Lucas sighed.

- I'm asking for real. I've never seen you act like this. You don't even know him. It was mean what you did. Mark has just came here and  in the class he has prepared a really long introducing that for some reason made everyone laugh. He looks like some nerd and that just make me want to protect him. I swear he's not a bad guy. Get to know him. I'm sure you'll like him.

Lucas sighed again and hide his head in his hands murmuring something incomprehensible.

- What was that again? I'm sorry I didn't hear you.

- I say that his eyes made were staring right into my soul.

- He has poor eyesight. Maybe he just tried to focus to see you better.

Another sigh from the boy. That wasn't what he meant but he decided to ignore it for now.

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Me and Lucas are whipping for Mark what's new. Anyway, I hope you like it. It's late again and I can't really promise to upload very often since I'm sick right now and then I have to catch up with school but I'll try to upload at least once a week. Thank you for reading. All the

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