Chapitre 2

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Lucas was beyond angry. He had a feeling that all of this was a trap. They knew that the both Chinese had gotten into the house and were looking for the rare diamond. He was running through the stairs to find the girl before anyone hurt her.

The mansion was huge and looked like a maze with endless doors on every wall and more and more stairs at the end of every corridor. Their time was running out. It was already passing 10:30 which meant Kun will be here very soon. Lucas has already warned him about the situation but he was way more experienced for something like that, assuring him that everything will be alright as long as they arrived.

At this time, Yuqi wanted to die. She never felt his embarrassed and low. The old man had asked her to get on her knees and to wait for him to prepare the fun part. She couldn't see him, as she promised to be good girl and don't look up, but he was making enough noise to follow him.

Her mind was going after one throught - where those the poisonous heels or were the other red ones. Not that it was very important if she hit hard enough but just in case. Her fingers were playing with the back of the shoe so she could take it of immediately if needed.

The noises stopped and as she lifted her head a bit she saw a black cloth that the man was trying to put on her eyes to cover them. That didn't please the girl so she screamed, moving back only to press herself to his legs behind her.

- Keep quiet or I'll have to find something to make you shush.

- But my hair-

The man rolled his eyes.

- By the end of the night your hair will be worse so shut up and let me put you this.

He tried to put the cloth closer to Yuqi's face and then she snapped. She wasn't sure how she fast it happened or how exactly but the next thing she knew, the man's lifeless body hit the ground with her heel throw his neck as he was choking on blood. A few moments later the door literally flew open and a breathless Lucas  went in, ready to fight.. The two looked at each other like to explain what was going on. Suddenly Lucas whined:

- But I wanted to kill him.

- Lucas no-

The boy took a sharp breathe, scaring Yuqi as she thought that that man was still alive, turning around to check. But without saying anything Lucas threw her on this shoulder, even though she tried to fight him, and started running. He was now more oriented to where to go and where there were guards and where no so if he ran fast enough they would be on time.

They arrived at the place exactly at 11 but there was no car waiting for them which made them panicked. They kept wandering around to make sure that this was the right place or that they weren't too late. A sound of tires came from a car without lights that nearly ran through Lucas as it tried to stop. The driver lowered the window a bit and smiled. It wasn't Kun as they expected but his partner, Ten.

- Are you coming in or should I try to run over Xuxi again.

The two got in the car, Lucas at the front seat and Yuqi at the back, as fast as possible and Ten started driving away. All of them were quiet with only Ten throwing looks at the back seat where was Yuqi.

- Did you get it?

Lucas turned his head with the speed of light to look at the wide eyed girl who was touching the necklace that was still hanging from her neck.

- I-isn't it this necklace?

- Yeah, but I'm trying to make a conversation. You are too quiet.

Two deep sighs were followed by a giggle from the Thai.

- I want to ask where is Kun? He never send someone else to do his work. Is he okay?

Ten smirked.

- Yeah.. He's perfectly fine.. It's just that he's tied up.. If we can say that..

- Forget I asked.

Lucas's laugh filled the car, cheering up the atmosphere.

- So you're still playing as his sugar baby?

- I prefer being called honey baby. It's more organic. And I'm not playing. Kun is literally paying me for being the honey and the baby of his life.

This time a growl and a laugh from the front were the sounds that filled the car.

- You see, Yuqi. This is why I don't get offended when you call me a baby. Ten is making money from being a baby.

- Lucas, sunshine, there is a difference between a sugar baby and a cry baby.

The statement made Ten laugh loud. Yuqi's hands find their way massaging Yukhei's shoulders in apologizing way as he pouted.

The rest of the drive was quiet as Lucas fell asleep. Yuqi and Ten, on other hand, kept murmuring so he won't fall asleep while driving them.


It's s shorter this time and I apologize for that. I'll work harder for the next chapter but I'm not sure when I'll upload it because the break is almost over. Anyway, I hope you like it! Love you.xx

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