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Nancy let herself into the house and when she did, she found Jonathan in his room. He was laying on his bed with his head buried in his pillow.

She knocked on his doorframe. "Hey."

Jonathan looked up. "Hey."

Nancy walked over to the bed and Jonathan sat up against his bed frame, his knees pulled up against his chest. Nancy sat beside him. "How ya feeling?"

"Horrible." Jonathan mumbled.

Nancy looked at him with sympathetic eyes. "I'm sure Steve will message you eventually. Maybe he just wants to be alone and have some time to think about everything, ya know?"

Jonathan shook his head and bit his lip, holding back tears. Nancy noticed this and put her hand on his knee in an attempt to comfort him. "Hey."

"He broke up with me." Jonathan whispered quietly, but Nancy was still able to hear it. She stared at the boy in shock.


"Remember Tuesday when I left and never came back during lunch?" Nancy nodded and Jonathan continued. "I saw Steve. This dude had to have said something to upset him because he was all worked up. I went over to him and he just started saying that he 'couldn't do it anymore.' He broke up with me."

Jonathan was crying by the time he was done and Nancy quickly pulled him into her arms. She rubbed his back and comforted him while one thing floated around in her mind.

Her and Steve were about to have a little chat.

sorry that this is so short and that I haven't updated in a hot minute! also sorry if there are any mistakes in this chapter. i'll probably go back and reread it sometime tomorrow and fix any mistakes but I'm too tired to rn lmao.

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