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Jonathan was very confused when he woke up.

Instead of waking up in his soft bed, wrapped in a warm comforter, to the sound of his alarm going off like he usually did, he woke up on cold, hard wood in his clothes from the day before and his ringtone blaring in his ear.

He started to remember where he was and what happened the night before. He quickly shot up, looking around the small tree house to see Steve passed out on the floor, right beside where he'd been laying seconds before.

Jonathan was snapped out of his thoughts when his phone started ringing again. He grabbed it and answered it. "Hello?"

"Jonathan!" His mother yelled on the other line. "Do you have any idea what time it is? Where the hell are you?"

"Uhh.." Jonathan looked outside the window of the tree house to see the sun was already up. "Sorry, I was hanging out with a friend last night and we must have accidentally fallen asleep."

"Just let me know before you stay over at a friend's house, okay?"

"Yeah, of course I will. I honestly had no intention of sleeping over. I guess it just got late and we got tired."

"Okay. I have to go to work but I'll talk to you later, alright? I love you."

"Alright. I love you too." Jonathan hung up the phone and looked at the time. 6:50.

"Ah, shit." He mumbled as he bent down beside Steve. He began shaking him. "Steve? Steve, wake up."

Steve's eyes fluttered open and he looked around the room. "What time is it?"

Jonathan tried to push away the fact that he found Steve's raspy, just waking up, voice extremely attractive as he answered him. "Almost seven. We should go. We need to get ready for school."

"School?" Steve asked, sitting up and rubbing his eyes.

"Yeah, school. It's Thursday." Jonathan held out his hand to help Steve off the floor. "Come on, get up."

Steve grabbed his hand and got to his feet. "Thanks."

"No problem. Let's go." Jonathan quickly began to climb down the ladder of the tree house with Steve following him.

They were walking to the car in silence until Steve spoke up. "So, what's the plan?"

"The plan?" Jonathan questioned, earning a nod from Steve. "The plan is I'm going to go to my house and drop you off at your's so we can get ready for-"

"What? No." Steve interrupted him, stopping in his tracks. "I can't go home. My parents are probably beyond pissed at me."

"Well, don't you need some clothes to change into?" Jonathan stopped walking as well. "I think you got a little beer on your shirt last night so I suppose you want to go home and get changed, unless you have a better idea."

A smirk formed on Steve's face and he raised his eyebrows. "Oh, I think I do."


"You actually look....pretty cool."

Steve looked at himself in the mirror and examined the way Jonathan's clothes fit him. "Thanks. I think I like it."

"Yeah, you should wear flannel more often." Jonathan chuckled. "It really suits you."

"You think so?" Steve asked as he looked away from the mirror and looked at him. He didn't know why but for some reason Jonathan's opinion really mattered to him.

"Definitely." Jonathan said, causing a small smile to creep onto Steve's lips. "Let's go. We don't want to be late, now do we?"

Steve followed Jonathan out of his house and to his car. "This flannel smells like you."

"Is that a bad thing or..?

"Oh, no!" Steve quickly said and Jonathan raised his eyebrows, finding it entertaining. "If anything it's a good thing. I mean, you smell pretty good."

Jonathan couldn't help but to laugh at that. "Okay, thanks?"

"Sorry...that was pretty weird." Steve cursed himself for being awkward but Jonathan didn't seem to mind.

"It's fine. Anyways, you ready to go?"

Steve nodded and with that, the two boys got into the car.

The entire car ride was silent. Jonathan was listening to his music and Steve was lost in his thoughts. The thoughts he was trying to get rid of. The ones about Jonathan and how handsome he was. How he found small things he would do cute. How he was so different from everyone else and how he loved that. Steve was pushing those thoughts away to be locked up in the very back of his mind and replacing them with new ones.

New ones that said; 'You don't like Jonathan.' 'You don't like boys.' 'You like girls.' 'You like Nancy.'

Because he didn't know that Jonathan had been having the same thoughts about him and Jonathan didn't know Steve had been having the same thoughts about him.

They both didn't know, so they would ignore the feelings they both shared.

Hiya. So I know this chapter is pretty short and boring, but I really wanted to update for you guys. Also, i wanted to update because of Season 2. Oh my god, its amazing. But anyways,I'm going to try to update more often for you guys. Thank you so much for sticking with this story and reading it! ((:

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