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{{ Hi, hello. I don't usually do shout outs, but this one is well deserved. You guys should totally go follow my best friend, booksaarelifee and read her stories. They're amazing and it would mean a lot to me if you guys did.

Also, I did not proofread this chapter so sorry if there are any mistakes!! }}

It'd been almost three weeks since Jonathan had spoken to Steve. He didn't message him on Kik. Steve was the one who decided they shouldn't talk - this time - so he wasn't going to say anything to him until Steve messaged him.

They avoided each other at school. Their whole group of friends were avoiding each other actually. Jonathan and Steve, of course, weren't on the best terms. Steve and Nancy weren't talking, though Nancy was handling the situation in a very mature way considering she was the one who got cheated on. She would give Steve small smiles in the hallway when she caught him looking at her but she would always rush off before he could actually say anything to her. Most people would send glares or cuss out the person who cheated on them, so Steve was lucky to even receive a smile from her.

Carol and Tommy broke up. But then Tommy came up with whole big ass - fake ass - apology and the two of them got back together. They still avoided the rest of the group. Even though Tommy told Nancy the truth about Jonathan and Steve, she still didn't like Tommy. The scene he caused was completely unnecessary and she just never liked him anyways, now she had a valid reason not to. And it's pretty obvious that Tommy and Steve hated each other.

The only two in the group who still talked, other than Tommy and Carol, were Nancy the and Jonathan. They say by each other at lunch and talked in the hallways sometimes. Steve would see them sitting together, seeing as he had the same lunch as the two of them, and he couldn't help but to get a little mad. He was more jealous than mad, though, which he didn't understand why because he was the one not talking to Jonathan.

Steve liked Jonathan, he knew that for a fact at this point. At first, he didn't want to believe it and did everything he could to convince himself that he didn't like Jonathan and that he was straight, but after a little while he realized that it wasn't something he could just push away. Especially when what happened in the janitor's closet happened, or when Steve actually felt happy about Jonathan being gay, or when Steve had those couple of wet dreams about Jonathan that he refused to speak of.

As much as Steve wanted to be able to kiss Jonathan and hug him and hold his hand and just be with the guy, he also didn't want to. Dating him would change things. It would change things between the two of them. It would change things between him and Nancy - as far as he knew. - It would change the way people looked at him. Steve had a reputation that he didn't want to ruin. He knew he shouldn't care about what people thought, but he did and he couldn't help it. He, personally, had nothing against gay people but he knew people at their school did and he had no idea what his parents would think of it.

Steve sighed, looking over to where Jonathan and Nancy were sitting in the cafeteria. He raised his eyebrows when he saw a girl sitting beside Nancy, laughing along with the other two. He kinda remembered her being at his party, staying by Nancy's side like a lost puppy. He had no idea who she was though. He shrugged it off, he had more important things to worry about.

He wanted to talk to Jonathan. Badly. He knew avoiding him was stupid, he just wanted to time to think about things. But now he has thought about things and absolutely nothing has changed. He still had feelings for Jonathan and he knew now there was no way of getting rid of them.

Maybe he could try things with Jonathan, he thought. Maybe they could just keep it lowkey until he got more comfortable and used to things. But before they tried anything, he needed to know everything that happened at his party and what exactly he told Jonathan before they kissed.

So Steve grabbed his phone from out of his pocket and went into Kik, typing up a message and not caring that Jonathan was in the same room as him as he typed it.

Steve 💯: can you meet me at the treehouse tonight? we should talk about things.

He anxiously waited as he watched Jonathan look at his phone and start typing.

Jonathan 📸: what time?

Steve smiled. He didn't think Jonathan would want to meet up considering how much of a dick Steve had been lately.

Steve 💯: 7

Jonathan 📸: okay. i'll be there.

Steve looked up from his phone to see Jonathan looking over at him. He gave him a small smile, which made the one that was already on Steve's face even bigger.

He was going to fix things.

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