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Jonathan is typing...

Jonathan 📸: i know i'm probably the last person you want to hear from right now

Jonathan 📸: but i really wanted to apologize.

Jonathan 📸: if i could back to the night of the party, i wouldn't have even gone.

Jonathan 📸: i'm sorry.

Nancy 🌸: jonathan, you don't owe me an apology.

Nancy 🌸: you're not the one who cheated.

Jonathan 📸: but i kissed him back.

Nancy 🌸: exactly. you kissed him back. as in he kissed you first, correct?

Jonathan 📸: yeah, but still.

Nancy 🌸: but still nothing.

Nancy 🌸: he came onto you and he's the one who was in a relationship.

Nancy 🌸: i'm not upset with you.

Nancy 🌸: if i'm being honest here, steve and i were bound to break up soon anyways.

Jonathan 📸: really?

Nancy 🌸: yeah. we were drifting apart and i had this feeling that he like someone else.

Nancy 🌸: and now that i know about what happened at the party, it all makes total sense.

Nancy 🌸: like i said, i'm not upset with you at all. and i'll admit, even though i'm not the happiest with steve, i hope you guys are able to work things out with each other.

Jonathan 📸: thank you, nancy.

Nancy 🌸: no problem. i'll see you around school, jonathan.

Jonathan 📸: see ya.

Read at 7:55p.m.

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