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i'm so sorry for this.

Jonathan hadn't spoken to Steve since their KIK conversation that night before. The school day was almost over and he was getting worried. He didn't even know if Steve had shown up for school or just decided to stay home. If he was at school, he skipped lunch, which is where Jonathan was at the moment. His next class was Gym, which he had with Steve, so he was hoping to see him there.

"I'm gonna go use the bathroom real quick." Jonathan said to Nancy before getting up.

"Okay." Nancy smiled. "Don't be too long. You might miss Tommy getting slapped again."

Jonathan chuckled as he walked out of the cafeteria. He was heading towards the bathroom when he saw Steve. He had his head inside of his locker as if he were trying to hide.

Someone walked by him and even though Jonathan couldn't hear, he was pretty sure he made some remark because as soon as he walked away, Steve slammed his locker shut.

"Hey, hey, hey." Jonathan rushed up to him. "What's wrong?"

Steve turned around. His eyes were brimmed with tears and he sighed. "What isn't wrong, Jonathan?"

"What did he say?" Jonathan asked.

Steve shook his head. "Nothing."

Jonathan stepped closer to the older boy, reaching for his hand. "Steve, what did he say?"

Steve quickly pulled his hand away and moved away from his locker so Jonathan wasn't as close to him. "Don't."

Jonathan just looked at him.

"People are looking at us."

Jonathan looked around and saw that there were only two other people in the hallway at the moment. Some dude at his locker and a girl at the water fountain. "Nobody is paying attention to-"

"I can't." Steve whispered, cutting him off.

Jonathan gave him a confused look. "You can't what?"

"I can't do this anymore." Steve was forcing himself to do this. He hated himself for it. More than he already had these past two days. He didn't want to, but he felt like he had to. "We can't do this anymore."

Jonathan felt his stomach drop. "What are you saying?"

Steve bit his lip, holding back a sob. God, he hated doing this. He didn't want to do this to himself or to Jonathan. But it's what he thought was best. With everything that happened in last two days, this was his best option. "You know what I'm saying."

Jonathan shook his head. "Don't do this."

"I'm sorry, Jonathan." Steve said through tears. "I'm sorry." He rushed away, disappearing further down the hallway.

Jonathan stood there, tears beginning to stream down his face. He thought back to a couple of months ago when Steve accidentally broke his camera and how it shattered on the floor. That didn't even compare to the amount of pieces his heart had just broken into.

KIK : STONATHAN.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें