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sorry in advance this chapter is pretty short lol

Jonathan and Nancy stayed at the mall for about two hours before they decided to leave. It was nice. Jonathan enjoyed the distraction and it was just fun to hang out with Nancy.

They were heading out when Jonathan saw something that caught his eye. He stopped walking and so did Nancy.

"What is it?"

Jonathan pointed inside of a store. "You see that hat right there? Steve used to have it. He loved it."

Nancy saw that Jonathan was pointing at a blue and gray hat that had a little watermelon on it. She tilted her head. "Used to?"

"He lost it." Jonathan laughed. "He was so upset. It was his favorite."

Nancy turned back towards Jonathan, giving him a look. Jonathan just stared back with an eyebrow raised. "What?"

"Well, go get it for him!"

"Oh yeah. That's a good idea, huh?" Jonathan asked and Nancy nodded, quite aggressively.

"Yeah. Especially with all the shit that went down today."

"Oh definitely. I'm gonna go in and buy it real quick." Jonathan said before running into the store.

Nancy was just standing there and looking around the mall when she noticed two certain people across the mall, right in front of Scoops Ahoy. "You've got to be fucking kidding me."

Nancy was ready to go over there and give them a piece of her mind when she saw someone already beat her to it.

Standing in front of Tommy and Carol, yelling at them, was Robin. Nancy thought about walking over there and helping her out but it seemed like she had it handled.

Nancy decided to just stand back and watch. She was enjoying the show for two reasons. One being Tommy and Carol were getting yelled at like they deserved. And the other being that she just enjoyed watching Robin.

Not that she would admit to that.

They argued back and forth for a moment. A few people who had been around them were now watching. Nancy looked back at the store Jonathan went into before quickly looking back at Robin. Boy, was Jonathan missing out.

Suddenly, Robin did the unpredictable, making Nancy gasp. She slapped Tommy. Hard on the right cheek. Nancy covered her mouth, laughing.

Tommy and Carol walked away from Robin, clearly embarrassed. Nancy watched as she went back into Scoops Ahoy, mesmerized.

"Sorry, there was a long line." Jonathan appeared behind her, making her jump. "Didn't miss anything interesting, did I?"

"You know," Nancy began, looking back toward the ice cream parlor. "That Robin Buckley girl is a total badass."

Jonathan smirked. He definitely could tell what was going on in Nancy's mind. He wouldn't say anything though. He'd let her figure it out on her own.

hello! i just wanted to give a lil shoutout to yourlocalmurphy because their comment on one of my recent chapters is what gave me the idea for what happened in this chapter, so thank you because if it wasn't for your comment I would not have thought of the idea of Robin slapping Tommy lolol ((:

also this is the hat just in case y'all don't remember that chapter lolol

also this is the hat just in case y'all don't remember that chapter lolol

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