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Steve is typing...

Steve 💯: yo yo yo

Steve 💯: your boi is throwing a party tomorrow night

Steve 💯: and it would be an honor to party with you

Steve 💯: that was my way of asking you to come if you couldn't tell

Jonathan 📸: idk.

Jonathan 📸: i'm not exactly a party person.

Steve 💯: pleaseeeee

Steve 💯: it wouldn't be fun if my best friend wasn't there, now would it?

Jonathan 📸: i'm sure tommy is going to go to your party.

Steve 💯: i'm talking about you dipshit

Jonathan 📸: i'm your best friend?

Steve 💯: i mean, yeah

Steve 💯: i feel like i can talk to you about anything and i can't do that with tommy or carol or anyone else

Steve 💯: tommy and carol don't take anything seriously and if i tried to have a serious conversation with them they would probably turn it into a joke

Steve 💯: like they do with everything

Jonathan 📸: what about nancy?

Steve 💯: what about her?

Jonathan 📸: can't you talk to her?

Steve 💯: i think i could if i really wanted to

Jonathan 📸: but you don't want to?

Steve 💯: i don't

Steve 💯: i don't want her knowing when i'm upset because she's already dealing with her own shit and i feel like i would just make things harder on her

Steve 💯: i also don't want to seem..idk weak i guess? ugh idk what to call it

Jonathan 📸: vulnerable?

Steve 💯: yeah exactly

Steve 💯: and let's say i did have a serious conversation with tommy and carol and i told them how i feel

Steve 💯: i'd never hear the end of it

Steve 💯: "oh wow steve actually has feelings"

Steve 💯: "aw steve's a little crybaby"

Steve 💯: but you're different

Steve 💯: you're actually nice and fun to talk to and you'll listen

Steve 💯: i've never enjoyed talking to and hanging out with someone so much

Steve 💯: so yeah i would say you're my best friend

Jonathan 📸: i'll go to your party.

Read at 5:46p.m.

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