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It didn't take long for Jonathan to get comfortable in Steve's room. The two had been up there for hours playing video games, talking, and listening to music.

This made Jonathan happy. He couldn't remember the last time he actually hung out with a friend, or simply someone who wasn't his brother, Will.

They were in the middle of the tenth level of their game when they heard voices downstairs.

Steve paused the game and listened. After hearing what was going on, he sighed. "My parents are home."

"Oh, should I leave?" Jonathan asked, sensing that Steve's parents being home seemed like anything but a good thing to him.

"No, no." Steve said rather quickly. "It's just - I'm pretty sure they're fighting....once again."

"Oh.." Jonathan said quietly, not sure how he should respond. "I'm sorry."

"It's fine I guess. Let's just keep playing." Steve suggested, pointing to the game console.

Jonathan nodded, grabbing his controller as Steve did the same. They continued playing but Jonathan could tell Steve felt uneasy. The way he was gripping onto the controller for dear life and the way he kept messing up no matter how hard he tried to focus on the game made it obvious.

After about fifteen minutes of playing, his parents' yelling got louder and Steve suddenly paused the game and jumped up, throwing the controller on the bed. A worried expression covered Jonathan's face as he watched his friend pace back and forth the room, one hand over his mouth in a stressed manner and the other on his hip.

He continued doing so for a few moments before stopping and turning towards Jonathan. "You know how earlier you asked if you should leave?"

Jonathan nodded. "Yeah, I should, shouldn't I?"

"Why don't we both leave? Go hangout somewhere else?"

Jonathan was about to tell him that wasn't the best idea since it was late and a school night, but he knew Steve so desparently wanted to get out of that house and his eyes were practically begging for him to say yes.

"Yeah, sure." Jonathan agreed causing a small smile to tug at Steve's lips.

"Okay, let's go."


They ended up going in Jonathan's car  and Jonathan had no idea where he was going, but apparently Steve did. He would tell him when and where to turn every now and then. Jonathan felt nervous for some reason, but he pushed it away because he trusted Steve.

Finally, Steve told him to stop and Jonathan did, but was very confused when he saw they were parked in front of a small forest. "Uh, Steve?"

"Yeah?" Steve asked. He was already getting out of the car.

"Where exactly are we?"

Steve bent down into the frame of the car door so he could see Jonathan. "You could call it a little hiding spot."

"Hiding spot?"

"Just come on." Steve rushed him.

"Okay." Jonathan mumbled, taking his keys out of the car and getting out. Steve led him into the forest and not even that far into it stopped, pointing up to an old tree house.

"Like I said," He looked at Jonathan with a smirk. "Hiding spot."

"Will that even be able to hold us?" Jonathan asked worriedly.

"Yeah, Nancy and I go up there all the time."

Jonathan smugly smiled. "You and Nancy, huh? Who do the two of you spend your time doing up there?"

"Oh, you know. Making out."

Jonathan raised his eyebrows and chuckled. "Oh, really? Is that what you plan on us doing once we get up there?"

"No." Steve laughed, thankful that it was dark outside so Jonathan couldn't see the blush that coated his cheeks. "It's also just where I go when I need to get away from home."

"Ahh, okay. So no making out. Dammit." Jonathan joked again, causing Steve to laugh and shake his head as he began climbing up the ladder. Jonathan followed and once he got to the top, Steve grabbed hold of his hand to help him up. "Thanks."

"No problem." Steve said, quickly walking over to the corner of the small room. He grabbed two beers and handed one to Jonathan.

The two of them sit on the edge of the tree house with their legs dangling. Steve held his bottle toward Jonathan for him the clink. "To a new friendship."

Jonathan smiled. He was genuinely happy that him and Steve had become friends. He didn't want anything to ruin their friendship.

So he wouldn't tell him what he'd realized that day while hanging out with him. He wouldn't tell him how he finds it attractive when Steve would bite his lip or how good he looked playing the drums. He wouldn't tell him how his heart started racing when Steve opened the door earlier that day. How sparks went through his body when Steve grabbed his hand just then. He wouldn't tell him that he'd developed a crush on the boy. He wouldn't tell him any of that because he did not want to ruin this friendship.

He clinked his bottle against Steve's. "To a new friendship."

A friendship is all this is. Jonathan reminded himself. It is all it'll ever be.

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