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Steve paced back and fourth between the tree house walls anxiously. He didn't know what he was going to say and he was starting to regret even asking Jonathan to meet him in the tree house.

He honestly didn't even think Jonathan would have agreed to coming. He had been nothing but a dick to Jonathan and Steve knew that if he were in Jonathan's shoes, he probably wouldn't have wanted anything to do with him.

He had no idea what he was going to do when Jonathan walked through the treehouse door. Part of him wanted to just grab him and kiss him but he thought that was kind of a dick move. He didn't want to just kiss him after avoiding him for weeks. That was kind of a dick move in his opinion. Another part of him just wanted to sit down with him and find out all that happened at the party. He already is certain with his feelings for Jonathan but maybe hearing all that happened would make him feel better about the situation.


Steve jumped and stopped pacing as he looked at the boy standing in the doorway. He was so lost in thought that he didn't hear him climb up or walk in. "Hey."

The two of them were silent for a moment. Steve was just staring at Jonathan while Jonathan was looking at anything but Steve. He had his hands in his pockets and he was rocking back and fourth on his feet. Something he always did when he felt awkward. Steve found it quite adorable. He pushed that thought out of his mind.

"So.." Jonathan said, deciding to break the silence.

Steve opened his mouth to respond but closed it. Instead of speaking, he just pulled the shorter boy into a hug. Jonathan was shocked but he quickly wrapped his arms around Steve, hugging him back.

Even though Jonathan was shorter than he was, Steve buried his head in the crook of Jonathan's neck and tightened his grip around the boy. He kept mumbling apologies and Jonathan just soothingly rubbed his back, telling him it was okay.


"So." Jonathan said, sitting against the wooden wall beside Steve. "Why did you want me to meet you here?"

"Um," Steve began, fiddling with his fingers. Their hug lasted a good while and after they finally pulled away, Steve sat down. They were now both siting with their backs against the wall and their knees bent and Steve couldn't help but to smile when he realized that their legs were touching. He felt butterflies in his stomach but ignored them as he spoke. "I want to know what happened at the party."



"Like, everything that happened?"

"Well," Steve thought about it for a second before answering. "I want to know what I said to about..liking a guy and what exactly exactly happened when we kissed."

"Okay." Jonathan nodded. "Well, I went upstairs and you were sitting in your room all alone. You were on your phone and you were looking through our conversations on Kik. You seemed down, so I started talking to you. You were a little upset about your fight with Nancy. You said that she was mad that you didn't want to hang with her and that you wanted to hang out with me. You said that you were confused and that hanging out with her didn't help."

Steve furrowed his eyebrows and looked at Jonathan. "Confused? What was I confused about?"

"Yourself." Jonathan said, quickly looking at Steve before averting his gaze back to the ground in front of him. "Your feelings. You said you liked someone else and that you're weren't supposed to. That even though you didn't want to like them you did and it scared you."

"It did scare me." Steve said, looking away from Jonathan and nervously fiddling with loose strings attached to his jeans. "It still does. How did you find out it was a boy I liked?"

"I told you that you should tell her how you felt and you started freaking out, saying that it wasn't right. Then, I asked you if it was a boy that you liked and you said it was. You didn't tell me that I was the one you liked though. I kinda just figured it out on my own when I saw that you'd been looking through our old conversations."

Steve nodded. "I mean, you were right. I do like you. Obviously."

Jonathan chuckled lightly. "Yeah. Anyways. After that, we went back downstairs and you decided to play spin the bottle with everybody who was still there. You and I just sat there and fucked around while everyone else took their turns. By the way, you're a very funny drunk."

Steve smiled proudly. "Why, thank you."

"No problem. Back to what happened. It was my turn to spin and of course it landed on you. So we went into the closet and at first it was just you flirting with me, or at least you were attempting to flirt with me, and then we were kissing."

"Did I kiss first or did you..?" Steve asked, trailing off towards the end of his question.

"Honestly, I think it was you who kissed me first. I remembering leaning in but you were too and you were the one making all the moves. Let's just say, you're a funny and a flirty drunk."

The two of them laughed and after that they were silent. Steve was still trying to process everything he'd just been told.

"It was my first kiss." Jonathan admitted sheepishly, causing Steve to turn towards him with wide eyes.

"Jonathan, I'm so sor-"

"Don't be." Jonathan interrupted him. "It was a good kiss."

"Yeah, but your first kiss is supposed to be a special moment between you and the person you're kissing. I don't even remember it."

Jonathan shrugged, turning towards Steve. "I remember it. I always will. That's good enough for me."

Steve nodded and smiled. "I really like you, Byers."

"I really like you too, Harrington."

"Even though I'm a total dick?"

Jonathan rolled his eyes with a laugh. "Even though you're a total dick."

Jonathan began to lean in but stopped himself. He wanted to kiss Steve. Badly. But he didn't know how Steve would feel about it or how he would react to it. He didn't want to kiss him if Steve didn't want it.

But apparently he did because whenever Jonathan stopped leaning in, Steve did and suddenly their lips were connected. The kiss wasn't long and it wasn't as intense as their first kiss, it was more soft and sweet. So sweet that when the two of them pulled away, Steve had the biggest smile on his face and Jonathan was grinning like an idiot as well.

"There." Jonathan said. "Don't forget about that one too."

Steve rolled his eyes playfully, feeling his cheeks heat up as his already gigantic smile got even bigger. "Trust me, I'll definitely remember that."

heyoo. i'm really sorry i haven't updated in like a week. my wifi hasn't been working so i haven't been able to use wattpad lately.

also, sorry if there are any mistakes in this chapter. i haven't proofread it yet but i want to go ahead and publish it for you guys to read it. i really enjoyed writing this chapter ((:

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