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Nancy is typing...

Nancy 🌸: hey

Steve 💯: hey what's up?

Nancy 🌸: i just thought that i should let you know, Tommy just messaged me and he's pissed at you. he thinks you're spreading rumors about him or something??? idk

Steve 💯: oh my god are you kidding me???

Steve 💯: he texted me last night and he was accusing me of that. why was he texting you about it?

Nancy 🌸: idk he was saying shit like "Steve is gonna get what he deserves" blah blah blah

Nancy 🌸: hold on i'll just send you screenshots

Nancy 🌸:

Nancy 🌸:

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Nancy 🌸:

Nancy 🌸: that's the last thing he said before i told him to leave us alone

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Nancy 🌸: that's the last thing he said before i told him to leave us alone

Nancy 🌸: but i think he's gonna tell people about the party, Steve

Steve 💯: shit

Steve 💯: shit shit shit

Nancy 🌸: but maybe he won't. he likes to say shit just to scare people. he could just be trying to get under your skin

Steve 💯: i really hope so

Steve 💯: thanks for telling me, Nance

Nancy 🌸: no problem, Steve. if you need anything, don't hesitate to text or call me, alright?

Steve 💯: alright

Nancy 🌸: 😊

Read at 10:01p.m.

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