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Steve waited anxiously by Nancy's locker. He had a whole apology written in his head that he repeatedly went over as he stood there.


Suddenly someone grabs Steve's waist, causing him to jump and let out a loud shriek. He turned around to see Jonathan laughing.

"Why thy fuck, Jonathan?" Steve tried to sound angry, but he couldn't help but to laugh too.

"Sorry. I didn't think I'd scared you that bad." Jonathan apologized. "That was the most high pitched scream I have ever heard."

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever." Steve looked past Jonathan to see the people walking down the hallway. "Have you seen Nancy?"

"Um. I saw her before second period but I haven't seen her since. You about to talk to her?"

Steve nodded and fiddled with his hands nervously. "Yeah."

Jonathan noticed his boyfriend's nervousness. "Hey." He discreetly grabbed Steve's shaking hands and held them in his own. "Don't worry. It'll be fine. Remember what I said: This will probably do more good than it will bad. I mean, what's the worst that could happen?"

"Nancy could come to the realization that she hates my guts, roast the hell out of me, and then tell everyone I'm a cheating asshole, which I am."

Jonathan rolled his eyes. "Steve, first of all, you're not an asshole. Don't you dare call yourself that ever again. Secondly, we both know Nancy would never do that. She's too sweet."

Steve shrugged. "Okay. That's true."

"Yeah? Nancy will be understanding. Of course you guys won't immediately be buddy-buddy, but I think this will be a step in the right direction."

"Okay. Okay. Yeah. You're right." Steve smiled at Jonathan. "Thank you."

Jonathan returned the smile. "You're welcome."

Steve looked past Jonathan once again and his eyes widened. "Oh, here she comes."

Jonathan looked around to make sure nobody was looking at the two of them. When he saw nobody was, he quickly planted a soft kiss on Steve's lips. "You got this, alright?"


"Let me know how it goes!" Jonathan sent Steve one last smile as he walked away.

"I will!" Steve called after him. He then turned attention towards Nancy, who was texting and making her way towards her locker. When she finally looked up from her phone, she saw Steve. A look of confusion covered her face as she slowly walked up to him. "Steve?"

"Hey Nancy." Steve awkwardly put his hands in his pockets. "Can we talk?"

Nancy stood there for a moment as if she had to take a moment to think about it before agreeing. "Sure."

"Okay. Cool." Steve looked behind them to see an empty classroom and he pulled her in there. He closed the door. "So, not only do I owe you an apology, but I also owe you an explanation."

Nancy nodded and Steve went on. "First of all, what you and I had was real, at least up until the end of our relationship. None of that was fake. I really loved you. I'm not completely gay-"

"So you're bisexual?" Nancy asked.

"I guess? Yeah. I am. Anyways. So Jonathan and I started talking and I started feelings things towards him that I didn't understand. It scared me. I know I should have ended things between us as soon as I realized my feelings for Jonathan instead of leading you on but I didn't because I was hoping that I could push those feelings away and just find a way to get the spark back between us. But our spark never came back and my feelings for Jonathan just kept getting stronger. I never wanted to cheat on you. I wish that never happened. I got wasted and I was out of my head and I know that still isn't an excuse. You didn't deserve that. You don't deserve any of this. I hate myself for doing what I did to you."

Steve stopped for a second to take a deep breath. "I know I'm the biggest douche on the planet and I know that I don't deserve your forgiveness, but I'm sorry, Nancy. I'm so sorry."

Nancy didn't say anything. Instead, she just pulled him into a hug. Steve sighed in relief and hugged her back. "You may be a douche, but I can assure you that you aren't the biggest douche in the world." The two of them chuckled and pulled apart.

"I forgive you, Steve."


Steve is typing...

Steve 💯: Nancy forgave me!!!!

Jonathan 📸: yay!!!

Steve 💯: i'm really glad i went through with talking to her

Steve 💯: thank you for talking me into doing it

Jonathan 📸: no problem. i'm glad you did too.

Steve 💯: ☺️☺️☺️

Read at 1:38p.m.

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