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Steve 💯 is typing...

Steve 💯: hey

Jonathan 📸: hey.

Steve 💯: what's up?

Jonathan 📸: playing video games with will. you?

Steve 💯: nothing much. just texting you

Jonathan 📸: oh, cool.

Steve 💯: yeah well i'll leave you alone so you can focus on the game

Jonathan 📸: no, no, no you're good.

Steve 💯: you sure?

Jonathan 📸: yeah, it's called multitasking, my dude.

Steve 💯: true, true

Jonathan 📸: yep.

Steve 💯: remember when we played Xbox and i whipped your ass?

Jonathan 📸: oh my god, you did not "whip my ass"

Steve 💯: i totally whipped your ass

Steve 💯: not only did i whip your ass, but i mopped the floor with it

Jonathan 📸: that is so not true.

Steve 💯: it's so true

Steve 💯: i bet Will is whipping your ass as we speak

Jonathan 📸: no he's not.

Steve 💯: he's not?

Jonathan 📸: okay maybe he is

Jonathan 📸: but in my defense not all of my focus is on the game because i'm texting some dweeb.

Steve 💯: oh who's this dweeb?

Jonathan 📸: steve

Steve 💯: yes?

Jonathan 📸: think about it.

Steve 💯: i still don't get it

Steve 💯: wait

Steve 💯: HEY

Jonathan 📸: took you long enough.

Steve 💯: i! am! not! a! dweeb!

Jonathan 📸: yes! you! are!

Steve 💯: i would argue with you but you'd probably win so

Jonathan 📸: damn right i'd win.

Steve 💯: yeah yeah whatever

Jonathan 📸: 😇😇😇

Read at 1:47p.m.

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