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There were a few things that Steve, Jonathan, and Nancy could all agree on. One of them being the fact that Tommy was a total dick.

This was something they'd known for a while. Ever since Tommy caused that scene and told Nancy about the party. Even a little while before that happened. And especially now that he was saying he was going to tell everyone about the party.

Steve couldn't wrap his head around why Tommy was so convinced that he was spreading stuff about him. They hadn't spoken in weeks. What good would it have done him to spread shit about Tommy? The reason people knew that he was cheating on Carol was because he did it so often that it wasn't hard for people to catch him doing so.

Steve tried not to think about it. Like he had said to Jonathan, Tommy was all talk. He doubted he would actually tell people. At least, he hoped he wouldn't. Cheating on Nancy was his biggest regret and he already hated himself enough because of his actions. He didn't need everyone else to as well.

"Did you hear anything else from Tommy?" Jonathan asked as him and Steve pulled up to the school.

Steve took the keys out of the ignition as he answered. "Nah. I think he finally realized I couldn't give two shits about him."

"Good." Jonathan said and Steve felt kind of guilty. He hadn't told Jonathan about how Tommy messaged Nancy and mentioned telling everyone about the party. He didn't really feel the need to. He didn't want Jonathan to be paranoid about Tommy telling people when he probably wouldn't anyways. But he also felt bad because he thought Jonathan deserved to know.

The two of them got out the car and made their way into the school. Steve couldn't help but feel nervous and he hid his shaking hands in the pockets of his jeans so Jonathan wouldn't see. It was Monday and Tommy had texted him on Saturday and Nancy on Sunday. So if Tommy really wanted to tell everyone, he could have already of gotten a head start over the weekend.

As soon as they got inside the school, Nancy rushed up to them. "Hey."

"Hey Nancy." Jonathan smiled. "What's up?"

Nancy gave Steve a look and he had a bad feeling that he knew what it meant. As if on cue, someone made a remark to them as he walked by. "Don't get to comfortable with Harrington, Nancy. He might cheat on you again."

"He didn't cheat on me, asshole!" Nancy yelled, even though it wasn't true. Steve and Jonathan froze.

"No, no, no." Steve mumbled. Nancy turned towards the two boys and gave them both a sympathetic look. "This can't be happening."

"What's going on?" Jonathan asked, looking between Steve and Nancy. "Did Tommy-"

"Yeah." Nancy nodded. "Tommy told people about the party."

"So, everyone knows that I cheated on you." Steve whispered.

"I'm telling people that Tommy lied. I don't know if they'll believe me, but I'm telling them you didn't cheat." Nancy assured Steve.

"Do they know about us?" Jonathan asked, motioning between him and Steve.

"Honestly, I don't know." Nancy shrugged. "I haven't heard anyone say anything about you two. So maybe he left that part out?"

Steve just stood there. He looked around the halls and he felt like everyone was staring at him. Judging him.

Jonathan noticed how panicked Steve looked and he nudged his shoulder. "Are you okay?"

Steve immediately shook his head. "No. No, I'm not." He felt like he had to get out of the crowded hallway. Like he had to get away from everyone else. He saw an empty classroom and ran in there with Jonathan and Nancy following behind him.

Nancy closed the door and made sure no one else was trying to come in while Steve was leaning against a desk with his head in his hands and Jonathan was beside him, rubbing his thigh in an attempt to comfort him. "It's okay, Steve."

"No, it's not." Steve cried into his hands. His words were muffled but they could understand him. "Everyone knows! They all probably hate me."

"God, Tommy is such a douchebag!" Nancy angrily paced back and forth. "You don't deserve this. I swear I'm gonna convince everyone that Tommy's a liar, okay? I'm going to make sure they don't think you cheated on me."

"But I did!" Steve said, removing his hands from his face. "I did cheat on you. They're not going to believe you. Everyone already suspected something happened because of how we all of a sudden broke up, so now that Tommy told them I cheated, they're going to believe it."

"Hey." Jonathan said gently, wrapping his arms around Steve and pulling him into his embrace. Steve hugged him back immediately and buried his head in his boyfriend's shoulder.

Nancy went over to the two boys and rubbed Steve's back. Her and Jonathan just stood in the classroom with him for a while, comforting and trying to calm him down.

short chapter. i know. sorry! but a lot of upcoming chapters are going to be real life ones!

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