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"harrison, oh my god." i gasped, him squeezing my hand in anticipation as he gazed down at the paper in my hand i was showing him.

i was at my school receiving my a level results, my boyfriend, harrison, next to me and my parents close.

"you're fucking incredible, oh my god babe." harrison said with a proud smile on his lips as he pulled me into a hug, me noticing my dad frowning slightly at the two of us.

"i got all a's." i told my parents, them both congratulating me as i couldn't help but grin.

"i told you you'd do amazing." harrison said softly so just i could hear, and i smiled up at him again.

a few of my friends excitedly came over and harrison's hand gently grazed over my bum, him silently encouraging me to go and talk to them which i did, us all giggling and sharing our results.

i chatted with mates and a couple of teachers for about twenty minutes until i noticed harrison looking at his feet as my dad talked to him, causing me to frown with concern, knowing my dad didn't approve too much of him due to his music.

walking back over to harrison, i offered him a big smile, grabbing his hand reassuringly as i gave my dad a question look, my mum talking to one of my teachers proudly, me leading harrison inside to get us a drink and talk to a couple of my other friends.

my parents joined us again, my mum smiling as she said, "shall we go and celebrate then!"

i nodded and smiled, following her, harrison's hand still in mine as he followed me, my dad giving our hands a disapproving look and muttered, "is he coming?"

"yes, dad. you already knew he was." i said protectively, him sighing and harrison catching my eye, his looking slightly hesitant.

"you're invited, babe. i love you." i whispered to just him, him offering me a small smile as he nodded.

when we arrived at the restaurant, we all sat at the bar and had a few drinks, me inbetween harrison and my mum, my dad the other side of her.

"do you drink a lot?" my dad asked harrison bitterly, me moving my hand to harrison's thigh as he inhaled sharply, but i cut in before he could answer.

"no more than anyone else our age, and not as much as you." i scoffed, gently squeezing harrison's thigh reassuringly as my dad and i looked at each other.

"y/n." my mum warmed me softly, but her thankfully being more sympathetic of harrison.

i raised my eyebrows at my dad expectantly, waiting for him to reply, which he did, muttering, "your age? he's older than you." disapprovingly.

"one year." i rolled my eyes, "it's hardly an issue."

"and yet he's not mature enough to speak for himself." my dad smirked.

"shut up, dad. i'm not surprised he doesn't want to talk to you when you're blatantly fucking rude to him, despite him never having ever been rude to you once." i said, my mum's eyes widening and my dad's smirk disappearing.

"you don't have to, i'll go, i don't wanna ruin-" harrison said softly but my dad cut him off before i could.

"oh, yes, just up and leave. y/n this is what i've warned you of. he's just a fuckboy in the lime light-"

"harrison, in no way are you ruining anything. i'm sorry, my dad's doing all that." i turned to harrison, cupping his face and pulling his lips to mine for a quick kiss, partly to reassure him, partly to piss off my dad.
"he's not a fuckboy." i turned back to my dad with a dirty look.

"and um, i don't care about other girls or the lime light. i just enjoy making music, and i love your daughter." harrison said to my dad.

"your music's not even good. you haven't even got hair-." my dad muttered.

"y/d/n that's enough. there's no need to blatantly insult him. y/n's clearly happy with him, she's not stupid."

"she clearly is." my dad snapped, me sighing.

"right, we're going somewhere else. i'll probably see you guys tomorrow." i said to my parents, harrison standing up as i did.

"you're not leaving, and you're certainly not choosing this boy over your parents."

"yes, i am, dad. and you've hardly encouraged me to choose you, have you? this boy has shown me more love in a year than you even have." i scoffed, before turning to my mum, my gaze softening as i said, "sorry mum."

"it's okay." she said quietly, "you have a good day, i'm sorry this didn't work out. i'll text you later."

"thanks, mum. it's not your fault." i said and she pulled me in for a brief hug, her offering harrison a small smile, before i grabbed his hand and lead him out, my dad muttering rudely behind us.

"fuck, h, i'm so sorry about him." i sighed when we were outside, and he just pulled me into a tight hug, his arms comfortable around my waist as i rested my head on his shoulder.

"you don't need to be sorry. i'm sorry he doesn't like me, i don't want to ruin your relationship." he said softly, tucking a piece of my hair behind my ear.

"no, h, he's just rude, you've done nothing." i reassured him.

"i love you." he said, cupping my face gently.

"i love you too." i leant up to press my lips to his for a moment.

"right, come on, we're going for a meal somewhere, and then we can go and cuddle for a few hours, and then party all night." harrison smiled at me, me automatically smiling back, us forgetting my dad for the day.

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