new hope club (preference)

544 12 0

dating them would include:


- so so so much teasing
- amazing cuddles
- sex all the time
- him knowing exactly what you want, and giving it to you
- neck kisses
- always watching back his x factor performances
- his little sister loving you and you being so close with all his family
- sarcasm
- wearing his clothes more than your own clothes
- you both talking loads through movies and unintentionally annoying the others
- "guys can you literally shut up now."
- usually the only way you shut up is by making out


- playing with his hair all the time
- kisses
- holding hands loads
- playing with his hands and always putting on his rings
- him smiling fondly at how cute you are
- staring at him and his jaw line
- him always finding a way to touch your bum
- "you know you can literally grab my ass whenever, blake. you don't have to pretend it was an accident."
- going clubbing but ending up just making out in the corner
- him trying not to be soft, but him inevitably being so incredibly soft and gentle
- horny, drunk blake complementing and kissing you
- him literally getting a boner at you just existing


- non-stop cuddles
- sitting between his legs as he cuddles you on the sofa
- going on walks
- staying up til stupid hours in bed just talking
- going for drives and getting food at midnight
- him always wanting to please you and make you feel amazing
- lazy, cuddly mornings
- always falling asleep on him and him playing with your hair
- making each other laugh 24/7
- him always being able to comfort and relax you
- sitting on his stomach, his hands resting on your waist
- facetiming him all the time whenever he's away

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