Things Returning to Normal

845 18 16

Third Person

The sound of plasma striking filled the room followed by a feminine grunt. As the two energy swords pulled away distancing the two opponents revealing a human female and male Sangheili warrior. The male, known as Utan, slowly paced around the female's blind side. "You still rely on one of your senses though you have six, (Y/n)."

(Y/n) held back an irritated sigh and closed her remaining eye, "forgive me teacher. My human instincts kick in at the most undesirable times." She held her body still listening to his steps and the crackling of the swords in their hands.

Utan stopped his movements once he reached her blind side and slowly raise the sword near her ear. The intensity of the heat nearly made her back away from it. "Listen to the sound difference. If timed right you will not have to fear for harm." He pulled back his sword, swinging for her neck only to slice through air. Underneath the blade was (Y/n) crouched as she kicked her leg up into his exposed abdomen. "You held back," he grunted taking a step back, "that'll lead to your death in battle."

(Y/n) shifted backwards and stood up opening her eye, "in battle, I can aim higher without much difficulty compared to you." She gave him a small smile and deactivated her sword before latching it to the armor piece on her thigh.

She wore the standard blue minor armor set that shined a dim cerulean color from the lights, with a black undersuit that felt a bit loose but comfortable against her. Her helmet lay on top of a crate to give her remaining eye more room to see and hearing to not be as muffled.

"And what of a demon you may cross paths with," Utan kept his gaze neutral but (Y/n) caught his eyes narrow slightly. At that her head bowed low giving into him. Had he been a human she would have pestered him with witty remarks and would've been annoying him. Though her punishments here would be a lot more severe as she had learned mocking a Jiralhannae. The both of them suffered bruises but most of her body was painted in them.

Closing her remaining eye, she relaxed her breathing and listened to the deep inhales of the warrior standing in front of her. She waited for any signs of anything else he was going to say before speaking up, "I shouldn't be holding back, Mentor. I'm at a disadvantage as it is so there will be no rest for me. The remainder of my hits will strike true."

He didn't say anything as he nearly silently walked behind her. If she weren't listening attentively to him she doubt she would have caught his movements in time for his hoof to strike the place she was at. She rolled over to the side with her eye open to prepare for a swing of his leg over her head. She took that time to charge her shoulder into his exposed abdomen and follow it up with a knee to the same area.

Utan grunted before elbowing her shoulder and delivering a punch to her blind side. (Y/n) felt her head get knocked to the side causing her to growl and kick at his weaker leg. As expected, his leg bent enough for her to use it as a step to deliver a blow to his head as well.

What she hadn't expected was for him to grab her fist mid-swing, "you're supposed to stagger your opponent before going for a heavy hit. I'll have to show you how."

(Y/n) gulped as she tried to bring her arm up to block his hit only to see darkness and stars.

(Y/n) POV

Zex was laughing a bit too loud once I told him how training went for me. It was to the point weird stares were given our way. "Could you at least laugh a little quieter? I'm already seen as a slightly honored kig-yar on here. No need to be the daily chuckle of High Charity."

Zex let out a muffled huff to show his attempts at snuffling down his volume. "C'mon kid. We need something to lighten the mood for us. It's bad enough we're barely scraping the bottom of the food supply and we're close to killing each other every day." He leaned his back against the wall in the hallway we found ourselves standing in.

My initial plan was to head to my father's room to let him know of my daily progress but was halted by the curious overgrown turkey. Usually, I would receive a smack to the back of the head or a punishing bite from the kig-yar. But only when I say it out loud.

"I believed that killing each other was their own sort of entertainment. It's been happening so much that I'm surprised the Hierarchs haven't abandoned this city." I said taping my fingers against my helmet resting underneath my arm.

Zex tilted his head up in a makeshift eyebrow raise, "you expect them to abandon a perfectly good army they spent time, money, resources and words on getting? No wonder you're still stickin' with me if you're thinkin' that way." He snorted nearly letting out another squawking display of laughter but was cut off by two pairs of hands holding down on his snout.

"No," I shook my head before letting go before he would try to snap at any unlucky fingers. "If you're just going to mock me then I should leave."

As soon as I took a few steps away, a new pair had quickly followed until it was almost in tune with my footsteps. "You know I'm just kiddin' with ya. I need a good shootin' partner that can hit right between the eyes." He raised a claw up to his forehead poking the small area between the eyeholes.

I rolled my eyes letting out a soft chuckle, "that's what your little crew of miscreants are for. Shooting down anything that tries to past you."

"Unlike you, I don't trust them to watch my back. They can all die in a hole for all I care." I stopped mid-step and looked at him with widened eyes as he shrugged off what he just said. "But you're not allowed to die or I'd kill ya then your father and mentor will kill me next."

I felt a smile tug at my lips before shaking my head, "I'll try not to." I said once I caught up to him and gave him a wink, but due to only having one eye it might have been a blink.

Which caused the kig-yar to scrunch his face up, "did you just wink? You told me that when you say something then wink it means nothing. I swear on all the kig-yar ship mistresses plundered gold that if you just did that I'll steal your weapons."

I made a mock gasp and held a hand over my heart, "why I would never dream of making false on my words." I winked.

"You just did it again! Didn't you," Zex bawked catching the attention of a group of grunts carrying a heavy object to mock his sound causing him to swerve to them. "Do that again and I'm roastin' ya over a fire and feedin' ya to your siblings!"

Hello to anybody still reading this despite the long hold. I'm still sorry to say it's still on hold due to the lack of time I have to type something, but this is to let you guys know this story isn't dead.

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