The Child

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On a destroyed human planet, called Reach where evacuation was taking place, a mother stuck inside a building filled with the covenant horde trying to protect her daughter with her life.

The Mother POV

I peeked through the hallway for the third time incase there were any aliens close by. I heard small amounts of noise coming from the other rooms, but none in my vision. I knew I had to be careful of the cloaked ones that loom in the darkness ready to pierce down their foes. But I knew my time here to escape is getting narrower the longer I waste my time here. So I decided to hold my child closer and ran full sprint towards the closest doorway. Each step I took had alerted the unwanted occupants inside each room bringing them into a chase as I run with all of my might. I knew what they will do to me but I feared more about what they would do to her.

That fear is what gave me an extra boost to the double doors that led outside. The windows were caressing me and my daughter's skin as if pulling us closer into its heavenly bliss. My fear was drifting further and further away from me as freedom was getting closer. I was 10 feet away from the door until it was violently kicked open making me trip and fall on my side. By the time I looked up there were 3 Elites overshadowing me with their massive size. The one in the middle didn't look like a warrior due to it being a few inches shorter than the other two, and it was mostly slim instead of bulky.

The shorter one started talking to me in its alien language. I was frozen in fear and could not speak as much as I wanted to so it cleared its throat. "You are trapped human. Though I offer you a chance of life if you come with me as a test subject."

I growled at him only to be responded with laughter from the other two. Then something hit me, he didn't see the child I have wrapped closely against my chest. So there is a way to at least get her out of here, but without me... "Fine I'll come with you if you let me get somethings."

He shakes his head, "no, you follow me now or get cut down." The other two elites had grabbed their weapons ready to fire at any second.

I needed to think of a reason quick or we both won't make it out, "B-but I n-need my m-medication or I'll grow sick and d-die," I tried whimpering to hopefully soften his heart but it wasn't good enough.

"If you require assistance to survive then you're considered useless to me and my cause," he turned his back as the two other elites raised their plasma rifles.

I felt the world slow down as they were taking aim. I grabbed the pair of scissors from my back pocket and ran up with my right arm aimed to kill and my left to protect my daughter up to the left elite and plunge the sharp end into its exposed throat. It's eyes widened as it's purple blood had splattered on everything within two feet of him including me. The elite fell down clutching its throat but it was no use. He would either die from blood loss or suffocation.

I couldn't help but feel relieved as I killed one of them, ignoring the one who grabbed his energy sword and was about to swing at me, I at least manage to show them I was not weak and they should never underestimate humanity again. I looked down at my daughter's soft (s/c) and gave her my best and last smile along with my final words.

"I love you (Y/n)."

??? POV

I turned around to see one of my assistants dead, with a scissor in his throat, and the headless body of the human female. I hummed to myself admiring the strength she had before she died. Another warrior falls into the ashes I presume. Without warning a loud, high pitched scream was heard throughout the hallways making the Sangheili stand guard and the unggoy and kig-yar freak out.

"The gods are cursing us for killing the female! We are going to die!" One Unggoy shouted.

"WHAT!? I can't die I've been paid for this I should be spared! Kill the other ones not me!" The kig-yar was then forcefully kicked in its abdominal region and sent into a wall by an Sangheili.

"I should gut you like the filth you are kig-yar." The Sangheili grabbed its neck and held its stomach close to the end of the sword.

"Enough warriors. I have reason to believe it was not the gods who were screaming." They all stared at me as if I spoke wrongly of them. I proceeded to walk over to the headless corpse and turned it over revealing a smaller human. It's (e/c) eyes are watery most likely from the amount of tears it was shedding. I grabbed it by the cloth it was wrapped in and examined it closer. The skin is a soft (s/c), it's eyes are (e/c), the hairs were thin, short, and (h/c), and it was very small and weighed only a little. "So this is what the female was protecting from us."

My remaining body guard walked up to me, "We should destroy the fiend. It hold a grudge against us and kill us once strong enough."

As he got closer the small child started whimpering and reached its tiny hands out to me. I reluctantly brought it closer and it wrapped its arms around my neck and laid its head on my shoulder. I was surprised at this reaction on how it was able to move on. I turned back to my body guard, "I severely doubt that this can do any harm to us and I also have a new test subject."

*flops on the ground* hey guys and welcome to my new book. I'm writing this because
1) I hardly see any good halo elite books out there
2) I can't stop having dreams about this and
3) I wanted to practice my writing skills and make a reader insert
So please give me any and all advice on what I should do in here and I'll change it
Also if you have a good name for your father figure or even a nickname please tell me and if not I'll do some research

Vote and comment please *salutes and rides in a phantom*


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