The Cruiser

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??? POV

I was carrying the small human child in my arms while being transported on the ship. I felt numerous pairs of eyes on me and the child and frequently some growls and profanities. Yet, I ignored them since I care not about what they think about my choices about the human child nor do they need to know. I looked back down towards the child to see it playing with my armor and lights attached to it. It was a curious creature that I was certain of and yet more fascinating to me. I'll have to inspect it more when I get to the lab.

Time Skip

I put in my encrypted code into the door lock and walk right in as it open. I heard a small gasp coming from the child as I entered the room and see it moving it's head in amazement. I chuckled at its curiosity and set it down near my workplace as I started a journal about this creature. While I was typing it started fidgeting around as if it was stuck. I lightly removed the fabric from around its body to realize it was a female child. "Hmm you might be like your mother," I said more to myself than the female.

Then in turn, the female made strange, short, high pitched noises and smiled. She then slowly started crawling over to me while I sat there confused until it fell into my lap and looked at me with beady eyes. I was completely caught unaware when it started screaming and grip harder onto my armor. I was stunned by this action and picked it up with one claw and held it closer to my face. She instantly ceased her tantrum and wrapped her arms around my neck burying her head in between my armor and neck.

Just then my guard came bursting in the door holding his energy dagger ready to pierce the small child. "I heard the disturbance. Shall I eliminate it to prevent further distractions?" I saw him take a step closer, raising his dagger while I held my hand up.

"There is no need to take drastic measures, warrior. I'm still skilled enough to handle humans especially this small one," I tilted my head towards the female gripping tightly onto my neck.

"Very well, Xiha 'Tanam," he put away his dagger, bowed his head, and walked out the door to stand post.

Xiha' Tanam shook his head and brought his attention back to the female child who fell asleep in between his shoulder and neck. He sighs and wraps the child back up in the cloth, "your mother had said something before she had fallen, if I remember correctly. I believe she said (y/n) if I said it right." The child only stirred in her sleep slightly before going still once more, "then (Y/n) will be your name."


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