First Battle

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No One's POV
8 Year's later

(Y/N) was forcefully kicked back and collided into the wall. She gasp feeling the air got knocked out of her lungs and tried to regain it back but it took time. (Y/N) looked up in time to see a fist ready to crash down on her skull but her reflexes allowed her to dodge the fist and kick the assailant in the side. He grunt from the sudden attack and continued to send multiple well placed punches over her body as she was thrown around like a rag doll. Once the punches ended, the assailant grabbed (Y/N) by her armor and knocked her out.

3 hours before the fight

(Y/N) is admiring the armor that was given to her by Utan' Saman. It was similar to an elite minor's armor but the face plate was rounded do it covered her mouth more and the armor was smaller to fit her body. Though there was a small issue with the back since she can't stand to her full height of 5'3 but instead had to hunch down. That didn't stop (Y/N) as she eagerly put on the armor with a little help from Utan. "It seems that you have encountered a flaw with the design with it. I'll have to take it off and-"

"No thank you I'll be fine with it," (Y/N) kindly interrupted him and crouched down so her back would fill up the space. "It's not like you and dad are going to permit me from doing hand to hand combat," She grunted while crossing her arms.

He smirks and takes off your helmet, "your assumption is correct. You should be grateful you are allowed to enter this battle, but then again this is your first test of loyalty." (Y/N) looked at him with a stern face understanding, "which is why you will be in charge of sniping with your Kig-yar companion."

"Not only do I get to practice with a sniper I also get to see Jup Zex in action," you did a little fist pump and reached for your helmet. "When do we depart on the mission," she stood up as straight as she could and waited for an answer.

"Very soon. I will come get you so you can meet up with Jup Zex and his squad but until then I suggest you interact with Xiha'Tanam more." He left out the door leaving (Y/N) alone to plan out what she is going to do.

She decided to listen to Utan and went towards Xiha's room. On her way there she noticed the species preparing for the upcoming fight ahead ignoring her. Upon reaching Xiha's door she input the code and walked in to see him working on something, "I see you have been getting ready my young warrior." (Y/N) smiled and ran up to Xiha giving him a big hug.

"I'm finally going on my first mission and I plan on coming back stronger and skillful than now," as she said this her helmet was removed to see her face clearer. Her eyes were a light (e/c) with a nearly cleared (s/c). Her (h/l) (h/c) hair was hanging loosely by the side of her head. Besides of a few cuts and scratches from training she was in healthy condition. "I will also bring honor to our names. That is a promise I'm willing to keep."

"I know that you will but be careful of the humans. They are very curious creatures and not in the good way," (Y/N) looked at him confused. "The humans are willing to cut you open to figure out why you are with us and if they don't do that they will imprison you to break your mind."

She looked at him fearful and shook her head no, "I won't allow that to happen to me and if it does... then I won't allow them to enjoy breaking my mind. I'll always remain loyal to the covenant especially you." She smiled to reassure him she meant every word.

Xiha nods his head, "you still have your heart in the right place it seems," (Y/N) nod her head. "Then I'm going to make sure you keep it there," he walks over to his desk and grabs what he was working on. "It's an invisibility module designed to only fit your armor so turn around so I know my efforts weren't in vain." She does what he says and turns around so the module can be attached to her armor. "When you use it make sure you are in a safe position then you can activate it to attack your enemies easier."

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