Making new Friends pt. 2

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(Y/n) POV

What do you mean I wandered into hell? I just took a few steps in here and calmed you guys down from freaking out," I crossed my arms and tapped my foot against the floor impatiently. This might have been a part of Johnson's diabolical plan to make friends. Tch humans can't take a hint.

The tallest of the trio had walked up to me examining me as I was her. She had long brown hair, a slim figure, and stood about 3 inches shorter than me (I made y'all 5'9" so enjoy being tall and sorry for making you short). After taking note of my every feature she leaned back and smirked, "you're a lot less intimidating than what the rumors said. I also imagined you being 8 feet tall and have the strength as one of those split-lips but you appear more human than expected."

"Well sadly I was still born human so it's almost impossible for me to reach the height of a true Sangheili warrior and if I was then I still wouldn't. But even though I don't look like one at first glance doesn't mean I'm not as capable as a Spartan without their abilities," I slightly glared at the tall one forcing her to take a few steps back while grimacing.

"You do have to understand that rumors can get wild," the shortest ran up in front of the tall one protecting her as if I was going to rip her apart.

"Don't worry I'm all too familiar with rumors about me and I can assure you most of them are true," I smirked but I was lying from that statement. Hell I don't know what half of the rumors are and I just most likely f up right now.

The group of girls looked at each other then formed a small huddle. After a few seconds of whispers and hits, they had dispersed and the average height one cleared her throat, "well seeing as how you're not going to kill us how about we make a deal with you? You join us and we will be the most feared and badass fire team there is and gain a lot of respect than we currently have." She crossed her arms and looked up at me trying to be intimidating which was funny considering she was 5 inches shorter than me.

I crossed my arms also and looked up contemplating my options and the pros and cons of it. Option 1: I can befriend them, get them to help me get Flip out, and go on a mission and ditch them with Flip. Or option 2: decline their offer, get forced into a random group where I will hate the people with a true passion, then offer them as sacrifices to the prophets to assure them I haven't betrayed the Covenant. Seeing as how I actually think about the options I'm definitely going to pick the latter. No I'm not screw everyone else at this place, "deal," I nod my head and smile giving them comfort to which they accepted. "But under one condition," they looked at me worried about what I was going to say, "you allow my friend to stay here also."

"We're cool with that. Who is your friend though?" I smirked and turned around and made the 'follow me' motion and led them towards the prison cells.

Time Skip brought to you by a little skit

"It's a little worm!" Younger (Y/n) shrieked and picked up the worm happily. The worm struggled a little in her hands but stopped and looked at her.

"You shouldn't want to touch that. It's part of a bigger organism called a Mgalekgolo," Xiha said walking up behind her. "Each of those small worms are collected and combined to form a much larger and deadlier being."

"How would they be able to think with all those minds together?" She asked letting go of the worm and letting it crawl up her arm and stop on her shoulder to which she giggled at. "I think this one like me."

"For your first question, when the form they turn into a singular mind due to each of the worms taking orders from the most intelligent one to which we give orders to it. And for your statement, there is a possibility it has bonded to you but it will be put back into the container to finish the combination."

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