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Jup Zex POV

After (Y/n) disappeared into the darkness.

I look farther down into the pitch black hallway that (Y/n) had fallen into hoping that she would be alright. I hated how short our reunion was considering how long she went missing from the Covenant. But I guess it's better than believing she is dead. I stood up, being careful of the drop below, and walked away from the elevator shaft.

I could hear the heavy breathing of one the remaining Kig-Yars in the darkness and followed the sound. During my walk towards him, the red lights flashed over his crushed body underneath a beam that was above him. I took a quick look around to see if there was any more survivors in the area. Surprisingly another was crawling towards the doorway where the other factions are. I smirked and looked down at the one squished and grabbed his neck. "Sorry pal but I can't allow rats to live," I sunk my claws into his throat then removed it watching him choke to death.

I looked over to the last one crawling towards the exist and sprinted to him. I need to make sure I keep (Y/n) identity a secret. Who knows what the hell the Covenant will do to her but knowing them they'll turn her into their puppet again. The Covenant can stick their own Super Carriers up their asses and burn by their own glassings. I chuckled thinking of the scenario but stopped seeing as I reached the kig-yar.

He turned around and looked at me relieved as if he didn't see what I did to the other. "Heh I'm surprised your not dead Capt'n. It would be funny to hear your skull collection stopped at something like this," he chuckled but coughed out some of his blood. I moved my foot away when some had sprayed on the floor near me. "So are you going to help me or leave me here?" I ignored his question and placed my foot on his chest cutting off his breathing. "What the hell Capt'n!?" He shrieked and attempted to remove my foot but I pressed harder into him.

"I can't have squabbling rats like you talking about what happened 'ere can't I?" I didn't give him the chance to answer as I stomped on his chest breaking his ribs. He shrieked in pain way too loud for anyone to not hear it. I growled and attempted to end it but a Sangheili came into the room.

"Halt your actions Kig-Yar. What is the meaning of these noises? Your not paid to mess around," the Sangheili growled and grabbed me by the throat lifting me up in the air.

I gasp and attempted to breathe again but his grip tightened, "I-I'm the Capt'n of the Kig-"

"I care little of your Kig-Yar ranking systems. You still take orders from the Sangheili and I expect one now," he said losing his patience and threw me at a wall.

I growled and looked up at him to notice he's wearing minor armor. I smirked and thought about my words carefully, "why should I tell my business to you? I'd rather report my wrongs to a Sangheili with more rank than to throwable trash." I referred to him as the same thing as an Unggoy. That should throw it over the edge and gain the attention of others.

Indeed it did as the minor roared and charged towards Jup Zex until he was yanked back by an Ultra. "Enough of your pathetic rage minor! Incompetent fools like you die first in the battlefield! Now control yourself or die like an Unggoy and get thrown out of the airlock!"

The minor controlled himself and put his right hand in between his two hearts then walked away. The ultra turned towards me, "Kig-Yar state your rank and position in the battle."

"Jeez you don't even want to know my name," I mumbled then stood up to the best of my ability and spoke up, "I'm the Capt'n of the Kig-Yars and my position was to provide sniping fire."

"Then why have you abandoned you position Kig-Yar? Deserters will not live long enough to see space," he removed the plasma repeater off his back and aimed it at me.

"Woah woah woah woah just because I went somewhere else doesn't mean I'm trying to desert you guys." I sighed and shook my head, "I left my position when I saw some of my group mates go behind the enemy but didn't attack them or come back. So being the great leader I am I went to investigate since I knew everything would be fine without me." I tried smiling but he just grunted, "tough crowd. So when I went to check and see what was going on I saw my group get their asses kicked by a demon."

The Sangheili didn't lower his weapon, "why wasn't the fleet warned about more demons on this ship? If you did see one then you wouldn't be alive right now." He muttered the first part to himself then spoke loudly the second.

"Well that's easy to explain it's because-"

"It's because he is a lying rat!" The Kig-Yar I had yet to kill was standing up holding his chest breathing hard. "He watched his own group get destroyed then bonded with the human female! After the ship started turning he was going to kill me to keep it a secret! He even gave the pathetic bag a flesh a name," he mocked while smirking.

I growled and stalked towards him but the Ultra stepped in the way, "is that true that you bonded with a human." He said human with disgust in his voice then turned to the rat. "What's the human's name so I will warn the others to eliminate it in front of you."

"I don't know what he called it. I think something like (name similar to your's). Wait! He called it (Y/n)!" The rat perked up when he spoke her name from his hideous mouth.
(Welp now I'm making him sound like a Yandere)

The Ultra lowered his weapon completely and turned towards me, "is it true about the name?"

I just shrugged giving up knowing what he will do to me now, "yeah and now you can go kill her now even though it'll prove bad for you in the long run." I glared at the rat and growled under my breath.

The Ultra looked at me for a few seconds before turning to the rat and crushing his skull. That caught me off guard as I took a few steps back and looked at him confused, "I find it ridiculous of you to think you were the only one in contact with (Y/n)."

"W-what? But why would you believe that she is still alive and how did you even know her?" I walked up to him and growled at him despite the height difference and strength.

"You should already know what the answer to your first question is but I will elaborate for you. It's because there had been two witnesses of (Y/n) being alive. And for your second she was training with Utan' Saman. He gave us group training and so she was a part of it to increase her chances of fighting alongside us as a sister. Since I have answered your questions Kig-Yar, which was a blessing considering your rank, I order you to report to your leader about this and have the rest of the fleet know. If any doubt you then direct them to me, Kiza 'Vradam, and I'll prove you are right. Now go," I was shocked hardly believing any of what he said but my legs forced me to move at his order.

I chuckled to myself thinking how she was worried about not being accepted here. Now here I am helping trap her into the place I hate the most but if it makes (Y/n) happy then I guess I'll survive.

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