New Friends?

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Sorry about going off schedule... again...

2 years later

"Damnit!" I quickly moved my hands away from the electrical cord sending up sparks from the mongoose. Doctor Halsey wanted me to learn how to build human machines to be more useful in their side of the war. As much as I would love to complain about not working on my combat or weaponry more, She would not listen to me for five seconds. I tried to gain her trust more by studying and learning human language, it is unnecessarily complicated (I know exactly how that feels ;-; ), learn the proper ways of military code, and managed to get people to not want to kill me to ignoring me. Yay! But still I should be doing the things I was taught to do to be stronger not weaker.

"Language (Y/n)," Dr. Halsey said over from the computer console. From the irritated sound of her voice, it sounds like she adores my colorful words. I still need to thank Flip for the information and the marines for the sarcasm. They thought that I was too stupid to know what sarcasm is and I will admit it did get me a few times...

Flash Back

"I swear about that kiss ass George always getting the good things from the Commander while we are stuck with labor," I heard a marine shout throughout the hall with his other squad members. Once again curiosity got the best of me so I walked over there just to hear their growls and see their glares.

I ignored that and tried to form my sentence grammatically correct? "What be..." shakes my head, "what is o no a kiss ask?" Based on the look on their faces I most likely screwed up my sentence cause they just started busting out laughing.

Luckily one of them calmed down faster than the others and used my shoulder for support, "y-you se-see hahaha a kiss ASS i-is a great person." He looked back at his companions who pulled him backwards and whispered in his ear. I noticed his eyes widened and he had to suppress another laugh that was coming then he bent over to me again. "You see if you want to get the best things you have to kiss someone's ass and then you'll get rewarded."

I understood what kissing is since the Doctor had gave me a very very uncomfortable lesson about human mating. It wasn't as bad hearing it from a female then a male but that doesn't mean I want to hear about it again. I felt my body involuntarily shudder at the thought. But if I need to be a kiss ass then I need to know what an ass is, "what is ass?"

And now another roar of laughter had escaped them with a few of them falling on the ground. This time a different guy had walked up to me and put his arm around my shoulders, "there is a lot of things to teach you young one. A lot."

Time Skip brought to you by author having a dancing contest with Jup Zex

After having a very long lesson about different types of words and actions o can use towards people for nice reasons, I made my way to the doctor's door. I still had to knock and let her know that I'm outside of the door before I'm allowed to just walk in. But after a few seconds of silence, she muttered a "come in" and the door slid up vertically to let me in. So I went inside and sat on a chair across from her while she was doing some work on whatever. It kind of reminded me of Xiha'Tanam when he would sit at a desk and do his work but I pushed that aside. "If I am a ass kisser then why are I not having good things." Once again I felt like I screwed that up.

She slammed her hands to the table and look at me with her eyes glowing with anger. "Who taught you those words (Y/n)?" Though her voice was calm but I could tell their was poison in it and she was ready to throttle someone.

"I can not tell then I wood be a bitch," I ignored by spelling error and focused on not collapsing into a bloody puddle from her stare.

She then sighed and sat back rubbing her temples, "I'll find out who very soon and if I do you're going to regret not telling me."

I almost smiled thinking she won't be able to hurt me but then I remembered one of Xiha's lessons, "physical pain is not they only feeling you can acquire. There is mental, emotional, and spiritual pain that can harm you each in their own special ways in which I hope that you won't feel. I'd rather have you brought back to me with broken limbs than a broken soul."

"Oh shit," if father would rather have me back at the ship with broken bones then how bad is the other torture methods...

Flash Back End

"Forgive me ma'am," I pulled my hand closer to me and bowed my head low. I felt irritated at the fact that she wouldn't even give me gloves. I've seen other military personnel have gloves on so why can't I get some when I actually need it instead of trying to fry my hands. I sigh and sit on top of the mongoose seat and look at my hands. They were blistered with some gashes crossing against my palm from both training with Utan and getting beat up by the marines. Some still weren't ok with the fact that I'm Halsey's favorite pet and get all of her attention. If it were up to me I'd switch my positions with them so they can feel my pain.

"What's wrong?" I nearly jumped out of my seat since I didn't hear her come over. I guess I spend too much time in my head maybe I'll someday find a friend up there.

"I'm annoyed because you won't let me train to become a soldier, I've spent 80 percent of my time in the dark, I hate almost everyone here, and my hands hurt." And if y'all were wondering why I'm talking to her like I'm a child then it's her to blame. She forced me to do I am messages to her to vent my anger without using my wonderful and colorful words. (I'm not fixing that)

She chuckles and ran her hand through my (h/l) (h/c) hair. I guess I looked like I was pouting after I said that from her reaction. "You're mad at me because I won't let you train as a soldier even though you're already one. You're also in the dark because if we let you outside you might run into a river and try and find a waterfall to throw yourself off of," I couldn't help but laugh at the last time I went out. No wonder I'm still a hostage. "And I'm sure that there are some people who will allow you near them for a minute and the last one is on you." She squeezes my right shoulder then walks back to the console, "there is someone that I want you to meet. He has a great influence with military and I'm absolutely positive he won't try to hurt you."

"What's he going to be teaching me. How to dissect a human or how to climb walls," I snicker from my joke. Damn I'm awesome 😎. (No you're not) screw you!

"No nothing like that. He is going to teach you how to make friends," I rolled my eyes but stop when I heard the door open.

"So is this the little bugger I'll be with?" Halsey nodded, "well then you can call me Sargent Major Johnson kid."

I am a horrible Sangheili... Not only did I miss both of my schedules I had even posted this out super late 😓 I think I need my special hat to make me feel better but I'll do better see y'all in prison- I mean ONI 😅

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