Skin of a Human Heart of a...

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Third Person POV

Tears streamed down (Y/n)'s face but what the triad of species fail to realize is that the liquids are not formed by happiness; only fear. (Y/n) quickly wiped away the remaining droplets that formed in her eyes but could do little for the already frozen streaks left on her cheeks. Regaining composure, she held her hands behind her back, a habit brought to her by the UNSC, and stared Xiha in his bright orange orbs. "Father," Her voice was laced with strings of regret, "I can't come with you as of yet. Not until I have completed the Hierarchs' goals they have predestined for me."

Zex already heard the words once from the dying ship but no matter how many times it will always come as a slice to the chest. Utan replaced his joy-filled eyes to the blankness of a warrior whose lived too many years on the battlefield. On the outside it seemed as he was calm amongst the crew but inside felt his emotions rage like the fires of a hurricane. The firestorm wouldn't come close to Xiha's supernova of emotions that bestowed upon the Sangheili male as he was torn apart by the young females statement.

"I have taught you not to be foolish and to inspect your situations wisely. Yet you choose to abandon my teachings in the name of what," (Y/n) felt a shiver run down her spine at her father's ice filled words that warded off the freezing exterior. "You will be no use to the Hierarchs if you stay with the humans. Allowing them to corrupt your mind and feeding you bullets to reciprocate into your own brothers, leaving them dead on the ground unable to finish the Great Journey." Xiha knew how harsh she will receive the words that will most likely destroy her mind but he must help kill off the human's virus that has taken in affect. Though only Utan will be able to shape her will and body into showing honor and pride for the Covenant.

"Father no! I will never place the bullet into my own brother's head no matter how they have wronged me," she spoke out of turn and felt her lungs run cold at her mistake. Sadly, all of them has realized her odd behavior.

Xiha bent his back down and stretched his elongated neck towards her sunken head. "Even now the humans have established in your mind to disrespect your higher ups." He straightened his posture the best he could and ran his two index fingers down the side of her face. "I will not blame you. No one is strong willed enough to not gain the habits of those around you. It also proves you've suffered around humans for too long." His fingers curled under her chin lifting them up, "if your going to express your words. Stand by it strong or else you will make your voice pitiful."

(Y/n) looked down at her stance for a split second realizing he's right. Instantly changing so her hand was placed in between her chest, she looked her father straight in the eyes, "my loyalty to the Covenant is absolute, never wavering. Not once have I made my brothers bleed for an unjust cause. Not once have I ever dreamed of abandoning the Covenant for the humans." Her voice raised slightly but said firmly to show her determination, "not once will I deem myself as the ones who've slaughtered millions for their own heartless intentions! I may have the skin of a human but I have the soul of a Sangheili! My loyalty and honor will never fade!"

As the silence continued with the group staring down with no hatred, only admiration, the faint sound of crushed snow followed by the loud thud of a body followed shortly after. Due to her back facing the uninvited guest, (Y/n) could only guess by the facial expressions and weapons being pulled out of who the one person she wished wouldn't be here. "Then you're a threat now," a deep voice swirled amongst the flakes of snow. Everything slowed down as a bullet pierced through the quiet air aimed directly at the woman.

Zex was the first to respond, due to his quick reflexes, and knock the female out of the way. Before she hit the floor the sound of plasma screeched from their corresponding weapons to the demon on the other side.

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