Hunt for the Truth

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Master Chief POV

It wasn't easy convincing the squad that their formal teammate was a traitor nor did I have the patience to sit idly while the said person runs away gaining more distance. After I told them the news I was flooded with questions and rejections of how I'm wrong. Instead I condensed all of the answers into one, "if you wish to know the truth then follow me."

The one now known as Elijah had stepped forward attempting to appear threatening but failing to realize who she is stepping up against, "I don't care if you are a Spartan and think that just because you have an A.I that you can feed us lies like we will be dogs and lap it up. I know (y/n) unlike you, and I know she will not betray us."

I watched her walk farther ahead with the ODSTs, marines, and grunt following the path the Covenant made while retreating. The truth will hit them the hardest once it has been revealed.

Time Skipping through the halls

We trudged through the snow carefully but quickly to reach our target. If I were alone I would have went faster to avoid losing the target in this haze, but the elites have an advantage being able to tread over this white cover. I would have believed they carried her out to put more distance in between us if it weren't for Cortana pointing out the trail of ruffled snow.

"It looks like she had to run on her own. From the distortion of the snow, very slowly and energy consuming. The trail keeps going until it looks like she was dragged parallel to the snow. You'll need to hurry if she is off her feet," my A.I. partner warned after displaying key information for our search.

I hummed in response and turned towards the mixed group, "hurry up now that the target is moving faster." Followed by my orders were groans and insults but what caught my attention was what one of the ODSTs said.

"You make it seem like we are shooting her down if we see her," I had identified the voice as Mac as she stepped up close to me. "This isn't some damn target practice for you! We are capturing (Y/n), the name you refuse to use so much, not killing her you fucking machine."

Third Person POV

The Chief's orange visor glared down at the ODST who dare to insult him as a Spartan and high rank than her. His back was straightened and a dangerous aura emanated from around his heavily armored body, "insulting someone from a higher rank than you will easily get you court-martial, especially with a Spartan." Chief left it at that as he trudged farther ahead leaving behind a pale faced, but angry, Mac.

Natalia tried to comfort her to no avail as they kept silent following behind the Spartan. Cortana caught a signal that was surprisingly close to them and had the chief hold up, "wait, I got a reading." She disappeared temporarily to decode it and figure out where it's come from. "It's... (Y/n)... the reading points her just up ahead but the blizzard is blocking our view. I'll have to switch your visor for heat signatures in exchange for the heating option."

"Do it. I'll survive," the spartan replied gruffly as his visor's color scheme change completely. All around him was an expansion of dark blue with multiple orange and red streaks jutting up from the ground. Chief pulled his magnum off of his side and pulled the magazine out to check how many bullets are left. 5 won't be enough to take out the elites' shields and kill them but he only needs one to execute the traitor. He's not going to put humanity at stake because the group doesn't want to believe his words.

"We're close," was all he said before taking off into a sprint leaving behind the non augmented troops behind left to try and keep him insight.

"Bastard," Mac whispered watching him disappear into the sheet of heavy snow. "Come on Flip, we're almost there. We can reunite and become a squad once more." She beamed placing a hand on his shoulder though her smile didn't reach him.

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