Chapter 18~Connor And Uncle Jimmy

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Nick and Julianna were going on a vacation to Hawaii with some friends from Nick's office, which was really for business purposes for Nick. They called it vacation anyway though, and asked if Jimmy and I would take Connor for the week until they got back on Sunday. I asked Jimmy about it, thinking that he wouldn't want to watch a six year old for a week, but he was definitely excited about it. So, I told Nick we'd take him. We didn't have to worry about getting him to school because they were on spring break at the moment, which was an all week thing for them.

Nick dropped him off today and left us with some of Connor's things before they drove off to catch their flight. I liked having my brother back in my life again, and of course, my nephew as well. He was a quiet little guy, but I'm sure a week with Jimmy would change that. He studied Jimmy carefully before telling him he was really tall, which made Jimmy laugh.

"Aunt Megan?" Connor asked as he stared up at Jimmy curiously.


"Who's that?" He pointed at Jimmy.

"That's Uncle Jimmy. You've met him before." I informed him, and Jimmy grinned.

"Oh yeah." Connor said, and then he looked back up at Jimmy. "Daddy says you're famous."

Jimmy chuckled. "Yeah, you could say that."

"I want to be famous too." Connor stated, as if he really believed that it was going to happen. Well, I don't see why he can't be famous, he just has to find something he really loves to do and has skill in. I knew that I would do what I could to get him out there as soon as he gave the word, and I knew that probably Jimmy would do something too.

"Really? That's an awesome goal to have." Jimmy told him, and I grinned at the two of them. "What do you want to be famous for?"

As we headed upstairs, Connor told Jimmy of all the things he wanted to do. He said that he wanted to play guitar, and surprised when he said that he wanted to be like Zacky Vengeance. I was surprised that he even knew who Zacky Vengeance was, but then again, Nick probably educated him about Avenged Sevenfold. It was cute the way Connor would stumble over the word 'Vengeance', because he was still quite little for big words like that. But he did his best to get the word off of his tongue, and did pretty good. It was a little ironic that Nick was a fan Avenged Sevenfold and already taught his kid everything there was to know about them. I would never have forseen that I'd find my brother again over a band. But it was extremely wonderful at the same time that this happened over a band, who had become like family to me, and then there was Jimmy, who I loved just about more than anything in this world. I'm waiting for the day that Kristina walks through the door and announces she's engaged to Brian or pregnant with his child, because I seriously doubt that these two will ever be apart.

"So did you actually get to meet Zacky yet?" Jimmy asked, and Connor shook his head. Jimmy smiled warmly and said, "Well, we'll just have to fix that, won't we?" Connor's head snapped up, his big brown eyes wide with excitement. He must get his eyes from Julianna.

"Can I meet Zacky?" Connor asked with a quiet voice.

"I don't see why not, Zacky's a close friend of mine, I'm sure he won't mind. Maybe I can even get him to start teaching you how to play." Jimmy told him, and an excited smile broke out across Connor's face. He caught Jimmy off guard by wrapping his arms around Jimmy and hugging him tightly.

Jimmy chuckled and then hugged him back, looking up at me. I grinned at him and gave him a thumbs up, and he smiled back at me. After we got Connor's things put away, Connor telling us all about himself, Jimmy went to call Zacky and see if he wanted to come over with Charlotte. Jimmy told him about what Connor said, and when he hung up Jimmy told me that Zacky was ecstatic about Connor and would definitely teach him to play guitar. 

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