"ExEx Idol? Ah, yes. They're that popular Korean group, aren't they honey?" Mother asked Father who was focused on driving.

"Yes, but your mother and I don't listen to that type of music. That's something that you kids listen to, I just know that their popularity grows every day from what I read in the newspapers." Father responded as he finally pulled into our small driveway.

"Newspapers? Who even reads the newspaper anymore? It's called the internet dad, you should switch it up." Sam said with a sarcastic laugh as she stepped out of the car.

"Well, I never heard of this Korean boy group before-"

"Which is why I'm going to show you right after I'm done buying these tickets! Though it'll be a lot faster if I use my computer!" 

She said as I watched her rush towards the door of our house. I've never seen my sister look so passionate about something before, I guess she must really like this group. Though I'm surprised even my parents know who they are, I never heard of them before. But then again I'm not a big fan when it comes to music. I guess I prefer watching makeup tutorials on the web instead...

As we all entered the house, I looked around and saw that not much had changed since I last left. Living in the dorms for 4 years made me a bit homesick. So it feels nice finally being back home even though it's a two-bedroom one-bathroom house. It's still where I grew up and a place where I will always feel comfortable and feel safe at...

"It's good to be home again," I said to myself as I dropped my luggage to the floor.

"Well it's good to have you home, now go get settled in. I'll have food ready in a bit..." My mother said as he took off her coat.

"Okay," I responded while making my way toward my room. 

However, as soon as I opened the door, I saw that Samantha was already on her computer typing away on her keyboard. Looks like Sam and I are back to sharing a room like before. I wish I could have my privacy, but there's nothing I can do about that.

"What are you doing now?" I asked Samantha as I began to change out of my graduation gown.

"Shh! I'm almost done. I need total silence!" 

She voiced out at me as I watched how concentrated she was. Looking over her shoulder, I saw that she had finished making her purchase. Though my heart skipped a heavy beat once I saw the amount of money she had just paid!

"Are you fucking crazy!? Just what the hell did you buy?! And where did you get the money to pay 800$!" I shouted at her in absolute shock as I looked at the computer screen.

"I saved up on my allowance that Dad was giving me for doing chores around the house since you've been away in college. I ended up taking over your chores for the last 4 years so I saved every dollar that I earned for this very moment." She responded with a wide grin as she stood herself up from the chair and began changing into her pajamas.

"You saved up 4 years of your money and spent it all on what?" I asked her again, only this time I placed my hands on her shoulders to get a better understanding of what I heard her say earlier.

"I already told you what I bought, remember? On the car ride earlier I told you I was buying the ticket-"

"It cost 800$ for just one ticket?!" I raised my voice at her feeling flabbergasted!

"What?! No stupid, that would be insane if it was that much. It all depends on what seats you want and I really wanted to get the V.I.P seats. But those sold out months ago, but the seat I bought comes with a poster and their latest CD as well as a free t-shirt and it's all signed by all 3 of the members of ExEx Idol! I wish I could've gotten the V.I.P. seats instead, but those cost 1,000 dollars because you get to meet the members backstage before they perform. But unfortunately, I didn't have that much saved up yet so I couldn't buy them..." 

She finished explaining while lightly pushing my hands away from her, she then went ahead and picked up her phone and began to text someone. Not too long after she was done doing that she went back on the computer and pulled up a video. My mind still couldn't comprehend what she had just told me. I can't believe that she's willing to pay 1,000$ to go to this concert! Does she not understand the value of money?

"Samantha...you could've helped mom and dad with the bills. I don't even know why dad is still giving you an allowance-"

"Oh my gosh, shut up, and just look at this video!" 

She said in a vexing tone, though her whole expression changed into excitement the second her eyes looked at the screen. Staring at her in annoyance I soon averted my eyes to the screen as well and watched a concert from beginning to start. The people in the crowd were going wild for whoever was about to perform on stage. And that's when I saw them, three men, that looked too beautiful to even be real. Their voices sounded so angelic and it was hard to believe that they were singing. The way they danced was so full of passion and elegance that it was difficult to look away almost...

I couldn't help but stare at each one of them, yet the one person that stood out to me the most was the main guy who was singing most of the lyrics. He was tall and had long black medium-length hair, his body frame looked built and he honestly looked amazing. But what pulled me into him the most was those green eyes of his, they can't be real, right? I'm sure he's wearing contacts...

"This is ExEx Idol, they've been touring around America for a while. But next month it will be their last performance before they have to head back to Korea. So I have to go and see them before they leave! I'm just glad I understand what they're saying! I may not be able to speak Korean like you and Dad, but at least I understand it!" 

My sister explained as she looked at the video with happiness in her eyes. Looking over at my sister, I could see how much she loved them. As I paid closer attention to her, I admired her beauty which I was always jealous of. Samantha had long blond hair and bright blue eyes that she got from our mother. It was hard to believe that we were sisters with how different we both looked.

Sometimes people can't believe that we're related since I look nothing like Sam or our Mother. I ended up getting stuck with my dad's looks, plain black hair, and simple brown eyes. Even though Sam and I are half Korean, you couldn't tell that Samantha was half Korean at all. However, one look at me and it was kind of obvious that I didn't look American...

"Well, you should've studied Korean when you were a lot younger," I said to her as I looked back at the screen.

"Yeah well, I didn't think I needed to learn since we live in America! And- Oh! My friend is calling!" She said to me as she quickly answered her phone.

Still watching the screen, I paused the video at the exact moment when the guy who stood out to me the most was looking at the camera so intensely with those bright green eyes of his. He was breathtaking to look at, and I couldn't believe how perfect his skin looked!

"Umm, Sam. Who is this guy?" I asked her as I pointed at the screen for her to look at.

"Huh? Oh! That's my husband Kai Joong! And, believe it or not, those are his actual eye colors! He's the leader of the group, he's 23 years old, his favorite color is gray, and- huh? Oh, sorry Lizzy I was talking to my sister about Kai Joong. I was showing her one of their concerts! Can you believe that she never heard of them? I know! That's what I said! Yeah, I bought my ticket already, what about you-" 

Closing the door behind her, she left me alone in the room and I immediately sighed and looked back at the computer screen.

"So those are your real eye colors, Kai Joong," I said to myself quietly as I began to shut down the computer. He's the same age as me...

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