Finally, the tears spill, racing down his face as he erupted into sobs.

Remus, in his dark green pyjamas, instantly pulled Deceit close, wrapping his arms tightly around his neck.

"Hey, it's okay... shhh, it's alright, I've got you now. You're safe."

In response, Deceit hugged back, burying his face in Remus' collar bone, breathing in the scent.

Though, it wasn't until a few moments later that he realised that his blood was getting on Remus' pyjamas.

He didn't care though, he pulled away a minute later after feeling like he had calmed down.

He looked at Remus in the eyes with a saddened smile.

"What happened to your throat?" He suddenly asked, gaze fixated on the cut, (obviously not caring about the blood stains on himself).

"I... do you love me, Remus?" He looked a little taken back at the question.

"What? Of course I do! Dee... seriously, what happened?"

"I-I... I... Roman... he..."

Deceit couldn't finish, his voice trailing off into broken whispers.

Remus snapped his fingers, and his boyfriend's clothes materialised, changing into his yellow pyjamas with the snake pattern on them.

"C'mon, lets go get you cleaned up." Deceit followed Remus to the bathroom which was also connected to the bedroom.

He quickly summoned Deceit's toothbrush, and rinsed it under the tap.

Then, he picked up the toothpaste, which was sat on the sink.

"I've already brushed my teeth, so would you like me to brush yours?"

There was a faint nod from Deceit as he wiped his face of fresh tears that had accidentally slipped out, and then he sniffled.

"Alright, okay, I just need you to let your fangs down, okay?"

Deceit did so, and Remus got to work.


It was now almost half past one in the morning.

The couple were in bed, Deceit cuddling into Remus, with his head on his chest.

There was a small, ninja turtle bandaid on Deceit's throat, he did object to it as it seemed a bit 'childish', but gave up on trying to get it changed.

Remus was stubborn. Extremely, stubborn.

Whilst cleaning the wound, Remus promised that he would 'talk' to Roman and give him a lesson, but the cruel words were branded in his mind.

"You, will never be one of us..."

"You are a liar, a snake."

"You are evil."

"You're the villain."

"No one wants you here..."

"You-" His thoughts, that were questioning his self-worth, had been abruptly stopped when he heard the soft rumble of Remus' chest; he was signing a soft tune.

A song, that Deceit remembered hearing Thomas listen too, by Ben Platt. That 'Dear Evan Hansen' person. 

"You gave me the world that I wanted
What did I do to deserve you?"

Deceit smiled softly and snuggled even closer.

"I follow your steps with my feet
I walk on the road that you started
I need you to know that I heard you, every word,"

Deceit felt his eyes droop close, a wave of tiredness coming over him.

All he could feel, were the soft fingertips in his hair, soothing him.

"I've waited way too long to say Everything you mean to me,"

He sighed in content at the softness of Remus' voice, it was almost like a lullaby.

"In case you don't live forever, let me tell you now
I love you more than you'll ever wrap your head around
In case you don't live forever, let me tell you the truth,"

But there was a doubt in the back of his head.

A thought, that frustrated him.

"I'm everything that I am because of you..."

Deceit sighed again.

Did he really want to die?

Liar | Dukeceitजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें