Issue 18

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"It happened when you were 2" Galushi explained "you had been at day care and your mom was out at the dinner working. You were having a tantrum because someone took away a toy car you were playing with. You got so mad. No one even knew what psiots were much less you being part loa so we didn't know if you would get powers. Your nose began to bleed as you were screaming your head off. The teacher took you into the changing station because she thought that was the problem because she didn't know someone took your toy. Well once she began to pick you up after checking your diaper, your blood sensed her as a threat and grew into a tendril with a sharp blood blade attached to the end of it. It pierced straight through"

Dakota looked destroyed. How could he had done that. She was just trying to help and she was killed because of it. He felt so ashamed. He dropped his head trying to block out emotions. He wasn't used to it.

Rochelle and Alison sat by. They didn't really know what to say but Tate got up off of the floor and put his arm on his best friends shoulder "look man. I know what your going through. This wasn't your fault. You had no control over your powers"

Dakota was just frozen up with his head down. He didn't know what was going on. He felt anxious and also sad. He doesn't have normal emotions. He can usually shut them off but there is just a lot now and he can't shut it off. He got up and walked out of the door. He walked into the hallway with the metal sliding door closing shut. He turned to the wall and just let everything he had out on it. He slammed his fist into the wall so hard that he knocked an entire wall down. There was just a huge hole to the outside showing out. The other four walked out of the room to see what just happened. All they saw was a crying Dakota who was also pissed off he said with confusion in his voice "is this what normal human emotions feel like. They suck. I can't get it all to stop"

He began hyperventilating. Tate Knew only to just go hug him. He let him. Dakota sank into Tate's hug. After a few minutes of Dakota having a freak out he finally calmed down and returned to a monotoned one voice. They weren't hugging anymore "I'm sorry... I don't usually feel emotions. That was very weird. I guess I have a lot to figure out" as he said that he thought about his bedroom and just vanished into a green outline of energy. Tate said "guess he has that new power under control"

Alison asked "where did he go?"
Tate said "I think he went back to the room. Let's leave him alone. He's been through enough for today"

Rochelle sympathized. She knew what it felt like to find out that she was a murderer as well. Her mind traced to Lewis. He may have been scum but she still felt bad.

Alison cut the tension "well Tate you should come see what Rochelle can do now"
Tate said pointing to the training room "lead the way"

Galushi went to his office he had to think about a lot as well. So the three went to the training room.

Alison put out a lot of test dummies and told Rochelle "ok focus on one and try and get it to attack me"

Rochelle started looking for the right emotion. She honed in on a dummy with her eyes. She began to remember her anger before when Alison accused her and tried to arrest her. Rochelle's eyes began to glow the blue glow. She over did it though. She accidentally brought all of the test dummies alive. They began to slowly walk towards Alison and Rochelle panicked but Alison wasn't. She's faced a lot worse before. Tate seemed a little concerned. Alison pulled out here foldable baton and Unfolded it with one swing. She readied herself.

The test dummies are mechanical that look humanish They stood around her in a circle. She yelled "it's ok I've been working on other stuff myself"

As she said that her eyes glowed red for a second and then vanished in thin air. But what everyone else didn't know was that Alison was still there. She put up an illusion field that reflected light. She was using her hologram illusion power to turn invisible.

She began taking the dummies out one by one. All Tate and Rochelle could see was the dummies dropping like flies and finally the last one fell. Alison had taken her field off in the middle of the robot debris.

Alison was panting "that takes a lot of energy out of me. It uses up a lot of my energy"

Tate and Rochelle were ecstatic they went to high five her and all of a sudden the alarms in the facility began to blare. You hear the building rumble and guns firing. The team was so confused. They didn't have enough time to react before Rochelle was thrown telekinetically across the room. She hit her head and was out cold. The other two went to grab her off the floor but a psiot dampening bomb was tossed into the room and went off. With a loud bang Tate and Alison were now out as well. The last thing they saw before passing out was agent grey walking into the room smirking. They were done for.....

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