Issue 16

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We bring our attention to the boys as they arrived at a run down house with the curtains closed. It looked like someone had kept the grass cut though. Dakota stood in the front of the building and knocked on the door. No one came to the door. It didn't look like anyone was home "Dakota I don't think anyone is home. In fact it doesn't look like anyone lives here other than the grass being cut"
Tate said while glancing around. He didn't see any cars in the driveway.

Dakota didn't care. He began to bang on the door "I need answers! I need to speak to jack Boniface!"

The door swung open but no one was there. The two decided to go in but both ready for a fight. They looked around, it was really dark on the inside like someone was afraid of sunlight. They didn't see anyone. They started out in the living room which had a small sofa and desk across the room with a computer on it. Then to their left was a hallway that consist of multiple rooms on the left and a bathroom on the right along with the kitchen beside it.

That's when Dakota felt it. Energy was teaming from a closet over by the desk. Dakota's eyes began to glow. He didn't even use his knife he just let the blood tendrils tear through his skin. As it left the confines of his skin it did something different than it usually does it turned into a two sided axe "that's new" Dakota whispered

Tate looked around and gathered up a couple of glass bottles that laid around the room and had them floating around him. Dakota and Tate inched closer and closer to the closet door. Dakota grabbed hold of the door handle and yanked it open. Nothing was there. That's when they suddenly heard a louisianian accent behind them "woah woah woah, I suggest you put that away kids before this gets ugly"

Dakota and Tate turned quickly to see a man who had mixed skin and long hair, He was tall as well. Dakota asked "are you jack Boniface?"

Jack said "yes I am. Have a seat. We have alot to talk about Dakota"

Dakota was surprised but listened. He and Tate took a seat. Dakota's first question was "what am I? I am not a psiot and I don't have a loa in me from what I understand"

Jack began laughing "my friend you are the loa"...

We follow our villains as they plot against the clock "I need the FPID out of my hair while I take care of the ritual in 4 days. The moon will be full and as close as it has ever been. That is when I will put the blood of the necromancer on to the ruins they call stone henge. It has to be placed there that night for me to say the spell that will unlock the gates to the dead side. Then we will over throw the planet and psiot and loa will live supreme on the Earth" Sangius explained his plan to Toyo

Toyo told him "I'll take care of them. You handle what you need to do. With the new powers you gave me I will be able to affectively take out the building and cut communications off to the the agents command center. Then we will be unstoppable"

Sangius began to laugh manically as Toyo watched outside through the windows in his office. The time was almost upon them and soon the world would be theirs.....

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