Issue 19

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Once the guns began to go off Dakota immediately jumped to his feet. He ran out of the room and was met with resistance. A group of four harbinger foundation soldiers were waiting outside the door.

They wore a black military uniform and held their rifles up towards Dakota. He felt his blood began to move under his skin. They fired their rifles but the blood in Dakota pierced out of his skin and formed a shield. Every bullet fired was stopped by the shield. Once they were all out of ammo they began closing in on him. He wasn't even controlling his blood anymore. It was moving to protect him. Before the guys could even get close to him. His blood which was out at multiple spots in his body turned into small bladed tentacles and shot through all four of the men at once. As soon as the men were down his blood receded and his skin healed over the cuts. Dakota was stunned but he didn't have time to act he had to find his team.

He began making his way through the floors. He did his best avoiding more guys with guns. He came to a room on the first floor. It was a janitor closet. He ducked in to it and found a vent that led to the air duct. He crawled inside and made his way through the building undetected.

While Dakota was busy looking for his friends, agent grey had picked them all up with his mind and put dampening cuffs on Tate and Alison. He floated them all out of the room and into cells that were on sub level 2.

The base had been taken over by Toyo harada and almost all of the agents had been killed. Their were 50 agents to begin with and now there is only our four heroes, colonel Galushi and the only scientist who wasn't executed along with her colleges, Dr. Clarisse.

Toyo stood in the office of Galushi talking to agent grey "where is the colonel? We need to kill him and then we hold our position. The authorities will come for us soon"

Agent grey answered "I don't know. He should have been here"

Toyo nonchalantly told him "no matter. He's just a old man. What damage can he do really"

As they conspire up top we head down to sub level 2. Tate and Alison awake next to Dr Clarisse. She sat in the metal cage trying to think of a way to escape. Alison looked up at her "Doctor what happened? Why are we in the cells ? Why did I see agent grey attack us?"

Clarisse crosses her arms "well Toyo harada has taken over our base. I had to watch as they dragged you guys into the cell which was agent grey. He was using powers but from what I understood he didn't have any. I don't know why harada has decided now to attack but it's not good"

Just as they say that agent grey walked down towards the cells and they finally realized grey was a double agent. Alison spit at him through the bars "you think that's going to hurt me. You know had you guys been nicer to me I would feel sorry but I don't. In fact hopefully I get to kill you after the ceremony"

Just as he said that he regretted it. Now his enemies knows they are up to something bigger than this. Tate yelled "what ceremony? And where is Rochelle?"

Agent grey strutted away "wouldn't you like to know"

We move down the hall to a small pod that has Rochelle trapped in it. She hit the pod window trying to bust it open. She watched agent grey walk in to the room she was held at. He was laughing at her. He smirked and then walked out. She was alone in this room. She was scared of being in that pod. She didn't have her puppets. She began panicking. She was begging for someone to come help. That's when she heard it. She heard Sandria Darque's voice "close your eyes Rochelle"
Rochelle recognized that she was being contacted by her mom.

She closed her eyes and thought of her mom. She remembered her moms voice and then soon everything became dark and she was standing in some dark abyss with her mom in front of her "Rochelle you did great! Now it's time to learn your true potential"

Rochelle hugged her "I need your help. Can you get me out of this pod"

Sandria spoke softly "you don't need me to. You can do this. Close your eyes and picture where you want to go. You will be able to astral project and then you can free yourself. All it takes is your strong will and you can do anything you put your mind to but you have to believe in yourself"

With that she disappears into a smoke cloud "but I don't know how to do that! Wait come back! Please!"

Tears streamed down her face. A faint male whisper said "believe in yourself and you can do anything"

Rochelle was back in the pod. She thought she fell asleep but also recognized what just happened. She knew she had to get herself out of there. All she had to do was believe in herself. She thought about her friends. She needed to get to them. She cared about her new teammates and knew they believed in her. With that going through her mind she closed her eyes and just thought about Tate and Alison. In a flash her conscience was standing in the cell that kept Tate and Alison in it. Alison screamed "Rochelle how did you appear here?"

Rochelle shushed her and told them as her body became more full and less caporal "It's ok. One of my powers that I didn't know I had. Don't worry I'm going to get us out of here. I have to go I hear someone coming"
She disappeared into a small blue energy sphere. And floated away....

Valiant- FPID volume one حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن