Issue 1

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(Dakota Jennings in the photo above)

There are many things you need to know before I tell you about this unbelievable story first of which are. Psiots are people who have powers that come straight from their brains. It's not a mutation. Who do you think they are, the X-Men. That's funny.

Second thing is that their are other world's beyond ours and you do go somewhere when you die. It's called the dead side. It's dark and Baron with nothing but remains from the past along with some very unfortunate spirits. Some are good some are bad. It is also where the loa live. A loa is a demon who can only enter Earth through the possession of a host or through a very powerful sorcerer.

Third is that FPID (aka Federal Psiot Investigation department) is for keeping the peace between man and psiot. This is based in an alternative universe where alot stuff like harbinger wars didn't happen. A parallel dimension. It has some things like unity and the bloodshot program and also instead of the PRS being a military branch it is a militia. A terrorist group dedicated to killing psiots. PRS is project rising spirit.

There I have you caught up to date now our story begins at the FPID base. Colonel Cameron Galushi sits at the desk monitoring radars for any kind of psychic energy spike. Something was definitely weird about an energy pulse that hit but it was a small one so he thought it would just be best to watch that spot on the radars. He sent for one out of the only three super powered individuals in this group. His name is Dakota Jennings (aka bloodhound).

Dakota had been trained from the time he was 5 up until now which he is 18 now. Dakota walked in with his semi long black hair in his face. He swept it out the way "yes sir, you call for me ?"

Colonel Galushi rubbed his tired eyes. "Yeah we may have a psiot threat in San Antonio Texas. Let the other two know just encase we need you three to investigate. There is an energy pulse that started about an hour ago and hasn't stopped"

Agent bloodhound saluted and walked out. He was never the one to ask questions. He had his orders and that was good enough for him. He made his way down the long hallway and got to the elevator. He saw a scientist that he knew well. Her name was doctor Clarisse. She was tall and had long wavy blonde hair. She was being bombarded by a scumbag agent who kept asking her out. His name was agent grey. agent grey always had the stench of cigarettes on him and wore way too much gel. Once he saw bloodhound come up he quieted down but does not mean he stopped bugging her.

Bloodhound saw the irritation of Dr Clarisse "Dr is he bothering you ?"

Agent grey intercepted the question "no we're just having a small talk isn't that right Dr ?'

She scoffed and told blood hound "yes he has been for an hour now"

Bloodhound subtly pulled his bowie knife out and cut into his hand. His eyes glowed green. His hand Outstretched a tentacle made from blood. The tentacle grabbed a very freaked out agent grey and threw him up against the elevator wall "I believe the good Dr told you no. Leave her alone or else"

He was quivering. He was so scared. Dr Clarisse smiled thankfully. Agent grey pleaded "ok I promise just let me go. I'll leave her alone"

The elevator doors came open as the elevator reached the very top floor. It was the training floor. Bloodhound pulled the tentacle back into his blood stream and his eyes stopped glowing green. He dropped agent grey on the ground and left the elevator with one remark "that's what I thought"

He made his way to the training room passing the swimming pool and got to the gym. He walked in on the other two heroes which was Tate shattwerwood (aka Shatter) and Alison Rivera (aka hologram) Tate was slightly older than both. He had short brown hair. Alison was Dakota's age. Her hair was long and brown.

The two were sparing. Alison was making holographic illusions for Tate to throw glass shards at with his telekinesis. It's more like glass kinesis though because it's the only thing he has control over with his mind. But still he's got a lot of potential. Right as bloodhound entered the room shatter screamed "duck !"

As he yelled that a stray glass shard was headed straight for his head. Dakota's eyes glowed green again and With his quick thinking bloodhound opens his cut that he had on His hand and a tentacle comes out and shields him from the shard. It bounced off of the tentacle like it was a fly hitting a wall.

The tentacle retracts and bloodhound brushes it off like it's nothing while shatter apologized sheepishly "man I'm sorry about that Dakota ! I'm glad you're ok !"

He says in a monotone voice "it's ok. Anyways be prepared cause we might have a mission in the morning. Why are you two training at twelve at night anyways ?"

Hologram said "trying to improve our use for our powers"

Bloodhound asked in his monotone again "any luck ?"

Shatter said lightly "well you saw what almost happens. You nearly got filleted"

Bloodhound understanding shatters inability to control his powers still even after all these years, he walks away while calling out "get some sleep. Be ready encase we have a mission. The Colonel seemed stressed"

He lets the door shut and goes to his room for the night...

Valiant- FPID volume one Where stories live. Discover now