Issue 7

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Lewis would not let Rochelle up. She tried so hard to get him off of her. She began crying and her eyes were glowing blue. She didn't realize what she was doing but an old statue of a lion near by began to come to life. It ran so fast and it was way too dark for anyone to know what was going on. They both heard a roar and then all Rochelle new was that something just snatch Lewis off of her.

She began screaming and ran back through the woods. She didn't know what to do. The fact of the matter is that he just tried to rape her but he was also just attacked by some animal. She was panicking too hard. She ran slap into Tate. She crawled backwards not realizing it was the three agents and screamed.

Alison made a ball of light with her illusion and it finally registered that it was the agents "someone or something just attacked us in the www woods"

She was crying and panicking Alison asked "what are you talking about? What attacked you Rochelle and where is the other person?"

Alison flashed the light around to see if she could see anything. She couldn't. All she knew was that they did hear a loud roar. The three agents looked around. Tate helped Rochelle up and comforted her "hey it's gonna be ok. You're with people who can protect you now. Guys I think it's time this party gets shutdown. And we need to find this other person that was with Rochelle"

Dakota stayed near Rochelle while Tate went to look for Lewis. Alison shut the party down and called the local cops to start looking.

Rochelle sat in the back of the ambulance so they could make sure she didn't hurt any thing. She walked the cops through what happened. The Alison sat near by with Dakota. She said "can you believe what he did to her. That's crazy. But this brings me back to my first point. I think she is a psiot. Our powers do crazy stuff when we are emotional"

Dakota didn't know what to think but he knew she wasn't a psiot "she's not a psiot. I can sense some dark energy from her. The kind of energy my dark side could sense"

Alison and Dakota carried on conversation while keeping an eye on Rochelle. Tate and the search party finally stumbled upon a gruesome scene. It was Lewis. His body had been torn to pieces. Blood and guys everywhere.

More reports were made and the Colonel was informed about everything going on. He said to keep an eye on the girl.

Once everything was over with, the three agents took Rochelle home. She got to the yellow double wide and ran in and met her mom at the door with a hug. She invited the agents in to talk about what happened. Alison came out with what the heard on the porch earlier today "we think we have pieces it together. Either your daughter is a psiot or she has a loa in her in Wich we will have to call our specialist in to get rid of that"

Kimberly and Leon sit in their living room and kimberly just shook his head "she's neither one of those. She's something else"

Leon yelled "kimberly! Shut your mouth!"

She looked at him and yelled back "no. Our daughter has a right to know who she is!"

Rochelle sat on the couch next to Tate and Dakota just listening. She finally speaks up "mom and dad just tell me!"

Kimberly looked at Leon then at Rochelle and Leon said "ok. Well honey you're adopted. And your really parents are named sandria darque and Callum coldston"

Rochelle had always felt she knew but she was still shocked when it was said out loud. She started crying "what does this mean. Am I also a psiot?"

Leon looked away "no honey. Truth is we don't know what you are honey. You're real mom just told us you were going to be different when you grow up"

Rochelle just cried. As this was going on Dakota felt an emencs amount of dark energy being put out but it wasn't coming from Rochelle. He felt it coming from somewhere else but couldn't tell where...

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