Issue 3

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While Rochelle makes her way to the college and begins her day we shift our focus towards Shatter, bloodhound and Hologram.

Their private jet landed at the San Antonio International airport. They were each dressed in black suits and had their badge on full display at their hip. Everyone marveled at the three heroes. In this society, psiots aren't hated. The FPID keeps them in check they are just as important as the FBI or MI6.

They were met at the entrance with a blue SUV rental. They get in the rental and began discussing where the energy signal was coming from exactly. Hologram had it pulled up in the passenger seat on a small laptop. She pointed to the map and it was a little double trailer park by an old water tower. also the college was now giving off the same signal but stronger than the one at the trailer park "hmm. Two signals now. That's weird. Let's investigate the first one. It's faint which means it could be a psiot in need. Maybe the one whose at the college was in some sort of fight with the one at the trailer park and mortality wounded the guy at the trailer park"

Shatter shrugged his shoulders and said "maybe. Or maybe what we're reading is a little bit of left over dispelled energy from the person who was there"

Hologram and shatter both sat talking but bloodhound stayed quiet. Shatter thought alot about what it might be while driving the SUV but he couldn't give any actual answers. He's seen alot over his years but he isn't sure what lies ahead.

They road on while Alison had her iPod hooked to the radio console. They listened to a veriety of artist. Tate's favorite by far was Rainbow Kitten Surprise. But he mostly enjoyed stealing glances at Dakota. Truth was that Tate had fallen in love with Dakota since he was 15 and Dakota was 13.

No one knew. In his mind no one needed to know. He was always so open about everything but this he would keep to himself.

They finally pulled up to the trailer park and track the faint signal all the way back to a yellow double wide. The three get out and Tate takes the lead. He was good with people. They walked up to the door and Tate knocked.they didn't hear anyone coming. All they could hear were muffled voices. One male, one female. The female voice was yelling "I told you Leon we should have told her. She deserves to know !"

The male yelled back "she doesn't because it doesn't matter ! She's our kid ! We raised her ! Callum and sandria made us promise that we didn't tell her as well. They are our friends. Do you plan on breaking the promise we made to our friends ?"

The female groans "but she deserves to know she is adopted"

The three stood on the porch listening in on them. Finally Tate knocked louder. The couple quit yelling at each other and a very frustrated Kimberly Thompson answered the door "yes what can I do for you all today ?"

Alison looked suspiciously at her and looked around her while Dakota made note of all the exits around the house. Tate began his questioning with a charming smile and put a bit of some southern twang in his voice "good day ma'am. We're here investigating a bit of a disturbance. We are part of the FPID. We had a huge power surge of psychic energy on our radars and wanted to make sure that everything was alright"

Kimberly put on a smile but on the inside felt dread. She knew what that surge was from but knew if she told anyone then her daughter would no longer live a normal life "no agent, I didn't get your name but that energy surge was just my husband cutting would in the backyard. I keep telling him to stop pushing himself so hard with his telekinesis but he doesn't listen"

Just as she said that Leon walks out next to his wife "is everything ok out here ?"

Tate not falling for this pushes his questioning further "yes sir. Everything is fine. we're FPID. We were just checking out a disturbance that our satellites had caught. So your wife tells me that you were pushing your psiot powers to hard and that's what our satellites caught. What was it she said you were doing ? I believe it was bench pressing with your telekinesis"

Kimberly quickly intercepted before Leon could get a word out. He realized he almost messed up that lie "no he was cutting wood"

Tate noticed a little glance towards away when Kimberly said that "well if it was nothing then you wouldn't mind us taking a look around inside if everything is fine ?"

Leon cut in while stroking his goatee "not without a warrant and unless you have one I suggest were done here"

Before Tate could ask anything else the door was slammed shut and the three heroes were left outside. They made their way back to the SUV and discussed the next plan. Tate said in defeat "that was a bust. They were clearly lying about something"

Alison agreed "yeah what ever it is it's got something to do with their daughter. That guy deffinitely doesn't have powers. I think their daughter does. Did either of you get their names ?"

Just as she asked a blood tentacle slithered up between the two, it was holding Leon and Kimberly's IDs. Tate grabbed them and exclaimed "nice going Dakota ! Brilliant as always"

Dakota sat monotoned like always "thanks. Let's go check out the other energy pulse. We know they had a daughter because of the fight they were having and maybe she's in class or something like that"
And with that they road off towards the the college campus...

Valiant- FPID volume one Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora