Issue 5

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Alison looked questionably at Rochelle then back to Dakota "are you sure? How do you know?"

Dakota just plainly said "Trust me, It's her"

Tate went to take lead again "I'll go talk to her"

Alison stopped him "no we let you handle it last time. I got it"

She watched for a minute and waited for Rochelle to walk away from the guy she was talking to. She finally did and once Rochelle was alone Alison went up to Rochelle and held out her badge "we need to talk. Why are you using your psiot powers so much?"

Rochelle looked very confused "I don't know what you're talking about. I'm not a psiot"

Alison squinted and pulled out her power dampening cuffs "you're coming with us till we can get this figured out"

Rochelle got upset "no I am not! I'm not a psiot! You're a crazy bitch"

Alison went to put the cuffs on her and that's when Tate and Dakota come out. Tate stands in between the two girls "hologram, you can't just arrest someone like that especially if she isn't a psiot."

He then looked at Rochelle "what's your name miss? I'm sorry my partner sometimes get a little ahead of herself"

Rochelle answers back now a little calmer "I'm Rochelle Thompson, I am not a psiot. Do I need to call my lawyer caus he's the best anyone could have"

Tate shook his head "no ma'am, that will not be nessacary."

Bloodhound felt the energy pulse from Rochelle. He could tell it wasn't psiot energy. He thought maybe loa. Which is trickier because sometimes people don't even realize it. He pulled Tate to the side "I feel this energy coming from her. I think she has a loa. What ever she's exerting, it's not psiot energy"

Tate looked at Rochelle suspiciously and then whispered to Dakota "I think we have to let her go free for now and just tail her until we figure it out"

Dakota nodded while Tate yanked Alison away from Rochelle "I'm sorry miss I think we had a misunderstanding. Forgive us we mistook you for someone else"

Rochelle was freaked out "God you're just weird. Whatever"

She rolled her eyes then walked out the front door. Alison screamed at Tate "what the hell Tate!? We almost had her!"

Tate answered back "well if you hadn't been so guns ablazing you would have heard Dakota and I discussing it. Dakota thinks that she's possessed by a loa. Which means we might have to get another agent that is more adept to pull it out of her"

Alison answered dumbly "oh. Sorry"

She stayed quiet after that. They decided to follow Rochelle. They got out of the front door of the college. They saw a whole crowd outside gathering over something that happened in the street. They made their way towards what was going on and got close enough to see it was a massive wreck. A car was pinned by a power line. And their was a car sinking into the lake on the other side of the road. And one car had been turned over and on fire

The three heroes saw what was happening and sprang to action. Shatters eyes glowed white. Shatter used his glass-kinesis and forced every glass shard at the power lines so the cords were chopped and stopped releasing electricity. Hologram pulled a guy and his dog from that car. Bloodhounds eyes glowed green and jumped straight into the water to get the car sinking. He saw there were an unconscious middle aged male and female in the front two seats and a little girl in the back screaming for help.

He grabbed the car and used his super strength to pull the almost fully submerged car from the water. He got it on land and summoned blood tendrils to rip the doors off its hinges. He carefully pulled the two adults out while Hologram grabbed the girl.

Shatter saw the car flipped over and on fire had a 16 year old in there. He pulled the glass from the window out and got in and grabbed the kid. He yanked him away from the on fire car. So far anyone who was unconscious was at least alive, and someone had 911 on their way...

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