Issue 8

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As Rochelle had finally activated her full powers for the first time a whole pulse of dark energy shot through across the continent. It was enough of a disturbance to distract all satellites from the loa Sangius Daemonium to posses a human. His name was Callum coldston. Him and his wife were just sitting in their living room by the fire in a quaint little town in Louisiana.

Sandria felt the energy forces stirring from the moment she woke up this morning. She knew her daughter was getting her full powers today and she knew that something was coming soon.

She sat on the couch with so much unease "Callum. The spirits are telling me something evil is coming through. I feel a great unrest"

Callum gets up and says to her "it's ok it's not your problem to deal with. Let unity or one of the other psiots deal with this mess. I'm gonna go fix you some more whine. Just relax a little honey. The world isn't completely defenseless anymore"

She smiles at his words of comfort and tried not to think about it. Callum walked to the kitchen then came back with two glasses of red whine. He was a tall man. Had short black hair. He was a middle aged black man.

He smiled at his wife but as he did he heard someone knock the front door down. He looked up and grabbed the fire poker. Sandria followed quickly. They got to the front door. There stood a man wearing all black. He reached out towards sandria and telekinetically threw her across the room. Callum was then flung into the living room.

The man in Black went into the living room and picked Callum up with his mind and rammed him into the wall and pinned him there. Sandria got back up and ran to the living room. She started chanting. Which is exactly what the man wearing black wanted. Sandria is going to summon a loa and bound it to the soul of Callum granting him powers to defend them with.

She began the spell but just before she could the man flung her into a bookshelf making her hit her head. She was so dizzy. The man still having Callum pinned against the wall he cut callums hand. Pulled some blood straight from his blood stream. A ball of blood sat in mid air. The man in Black yelled "Sangius Daemonium I bound you to this mortals blood"

As he finished the spell and Sangius possessed Callum sandria passed out.

Sangius smiled "it feels so good to be back! And you young one take off your mask!"

He took his mask off to show agent grey. Guess everything isn't what it seems. Agent grey kneeled before Sangius "oh great one welcome back to Earth"

The loa pointed over at sandria and told grey "tie her up. We have work to do"...

As the agents were discussing what went on tonight with Kimberly, Leon and Rochelle. The question still hangs in the air "so what am I?"

Rochelle repeated her question over and over again. No one able to answer. Sandria and Callum never told them who they were just that sandria and Rochelle were different.

Rochelle annoyed no one can answer her she then asked "ok then where are my real parents. I deserve answers. Answers that you don't have"

Leon scoffed "don't be rediculous. That's enough of this conversation. You three need to leave so we can go back to our normal lives"

Alison said "that's not gonna happen Mr Thompson. She is either a suspect or she's a whitness so now we have to continue our investigation and she will be under our watch till it is concluded. If you have a problem with that then I'll give the number to my superior and he will explain why it's better you comply"

Kimberly said "look our daughter is not capable of murder. Do you understand that. No matter what she is. She could never"

Rochelle asked "what's her address? I want to meet them"

Leon began to object but Kimberly wrote the address of where Rochelle's real parents live. Leon begged her "look please don't. Rip that up and stay with us. She gave you up has that not dawned on you yet. If she wanted to know you then she would have kept you"

Rochelle felt the pain of the truth Leon spoke. But she didn't care at this point she needed answers. She took the paper and went to her bedroom while her parents and the other heroes sat in the living room.

She did the only thing she could think of. She started packing. She needed answers. She called for the one that was the nicest out of the heroes, shatter. He came upstairs to her bedroom and he asked "what is it? I hope you know we didn't come to harm you in any way and I'm sorry it's gotten chaotic"

She said plainly without a care "I'm glad it did get chaotic. All the years I have felt different and on my birthday it has gotten worse every year. Look I need answers and you three need answers. I say you guys take me to this Louisiana address and once we have the answers we're looking for you can take me and if I am the one responsible for Lewis's death then I'll do whatever you guys want me to do wether it's a trial or I'm free to go"

Shatter looked at her with a smile and said "deal. Let's get you on the road"....

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